"I value truth, honor, and transparency. It is now Election Eve, and my opponent, Donald Landry, still refuses to answer questions regarding his history, his record, and his campaign." -Danny Landry

TO:  The Voters of Acadia, Lafayette, and Vermilion Parishes
FROM:  Daniel "Danny" Landry

From day one, I have run my campaign solely on my qualifications, philosophies, and record.  

Donald "Don" Landry, my opponent, has done the opposite.  

Acting like a politician, DON Landry feels the voters do not deserve an answer to simple questions still lingering on the eve of Election Day.  

He is betting that you can be easily fooled, and you will simply believe whatever you are told.  

Because DON has refused to answer easy "yes" or "no" questions, I will answer them with FACTS, not rumors. 

Here are the FACTS about my OPPONENT,


1. DON has been a Democrat all his life and is a Republican ONLY to run for District Attorney. FACT:  at the age of 73, after 51 years, DON switched to the Republican Party in March 2019 and began campaigning for District Attorney.

2. DON is ANTI-Oil & GAS; his claims are completely false. FACT:  DON's law firm, "Perrin, Landry, de Launay, Durand & Ouellet," has filed more than 15 Legacy Lawsuits against Oil & Gas, which resulted in millions of dollars in fees to himself and his firm. He is currently involved in a SIX FIGURE fee dispute with a former member of the firm arising out of an Oil & Gas damage suit which DON's firm filed.

3. DON is ENDORSED by United Ballot PAC. FACT:  This liberal PAC is working to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, as well as all other democrat candidates seeking office in Louisiana. This PAC is even recommending Pro-Abortion support and Anti Oil & Gas votes on the Constitutional Amendments.

4. DON has MISLED VOTERS repeatedly about known information involving case statistics, trials, and convictions. FACT:  Don, who has not handled any Felony cases in over 10 years completely disregards the other serious offenses of rape and molestation that required immediate closure to stop ongoing and further harm against victims. DON also claims there was only one murder trial in Acadia and Vermilion parishes, in six years. WRONG. There were 11 murder trials, and 26 murder/homicide cases resolved by plea.

5. DON knowingly and willingly PRODUCED SLANDEROUS ADS against ME. FACT: DON's behavior is the same tactic used by liberal Democrats nationwide to win at ANY cost.

Now, enough about DON!

Here are the FACTS about me, DANNY LANDRY 

1.  I AM a LIFELONG RepublicanI have worked tirelessly to promote conservative values and principles

2. For 36 YEARS I have PROSECUTED the TOUGHEST CRIMINALS such as murders, sexual predators, and drug dealers For 36 years, no matter who the elected District Attorney happened to be, my pledge has always been to the citizens and victims of crime in Acadiana, not to any politician, elected official, or special interest group.

3. I UNDERSTAND the COMPLICATED FUNDING of our tri-parish judicial district.  Because I am experienced with the current budgeting process, I am uniquely qualified to serve as District Attorney.  I am aware of what needs to be implemented to ensure the efficiency citizens demand and deserve.  

4. I have REFORMED the DA's BUDGET and CASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS to be more accountable.  During the Covid crisis, I quickly and successfully led the unprecedented transition to allow the most serious and urgent cases to continue to move forward.  

5. I have INSTITUTED programs to REHABILITATE young offenders who qualify for a second chance.  For those unable to afford these programs, I created a scholarship fund to defray the costs. I pledge to continue to improve these programs as District Attorney. 

6. I have REFUSED to engage in gutter politics, dirty gossip, or personal attacks on my opponent, sticking only to relevant information backed up by irrefutable facts I understand the rules of evidence and ethics.  Citizens can be guaranteed I will respect the laws of our state and nation, the rules of the court, the rights of victims as well as the rights of the accused.

7. I want to CONTINUE TO serve our community, and my age will allow me to serve more than one term should the voters choose to re-elect me in six years.

8. I PROMISE EQUAL JUSTICE no matter who you are, or who you happen to knowI have not and will not make promises to individuals or special interest groups. 

    In this election, the safety and prosperity of Acadiana and our country are at stake.  I have dedicated my life to protecting our families and our values.  I am asking for your vote on Tuesday, Nov. 3rd, Election Day.


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    LeBlanc Edwards & Associates 

    on behalf of 

    Daniel Landry for District Attorney Campaign, P.O. Box 3784, Lafayette, LA 70502

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