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Have you heard of PA's Mental Health Consent Law?

It is a law from 2004 that was created to give children ages 14-17 the ability to access mental health services without having to get their parents consent. Unfortunately the law has been misinterpreted to mean that children 14-17 also have the ability to opt-out of services even if their parents do consent. This is not at all how the law is to be interpreted.

The very first thing we did as an organization was create an easy to read document that explained how the law works. This obvosuly struck a chord with many people as it has been shared over 15,000 times across the state of Pennsylvania. 

Sadly, the law continued to be misinterpreted by providers and it puts children and families in danger by being yet another hoop to jump through when accessing much needed mental health services. Thankfully representatives from across the state recognized the need to clarifiy this important law to clear up any confusion. Now 2020 Act 65 is the clarified version of the law that will hopefully be utlizied in the correct way going forward. 

Below is a quote from cosponsor of 2020 Act 65; Rep. Jason Ortitay, the newly updated version of our easy to read document (also available in Spanish, and our newsest blog that dives deeper into the topic and it's impact. 

Sharable Version
Also Available in Spanish!

En EspaƱol

Read more about Act 147, Parents Challenges and the NEW 2020 Act 65

Important Clarifications of PA's Mental Health Consent Law

Dishes pile up, work emails seem to come an astronomically faster pace than ever before, and you can't remember the last time you had a meal that consisted of anything more than caffeine. However - none of this is on your mind, none of it matters to you in that moment. The moment where one of the people that means more to you than the world itself needs help but no matter how many hoops you jump through, or sleepless nights you spend illuminated by the light of your laptop screen, you can't seem to get it for them. This utterly hopeless feeling of not being able to protect and help your child is one that no parent should have to feel, but sadly it is all too familiar to too many. As a parent of a child with a social, emotional, behavioral, or mental health challenge you may have experienced varying degrees of this feeling when advocating for your child.

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It is more important than ever to share information about 2020 Act 65!

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