Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Greetings, everyone.
Incredible news! Some thought they would never live to see the day that someone would investigate our claims, however that day has arrived and an investigation into our issues is now underway by the United Nations!
I've just now received the above news from Liliana DeLucca-Connor who has been in constant contact with Magnus Olsson as he represented the TI community recently in Geneva, Switzerland for the most recent session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, which began on the 24th of February and runs through March 20.
Magnus who has recently met privately with the UN Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer, is in constant consultation with him as Mr. Melzer's team of lawyers and investigators begin their work of investigating organized stalking and electronic harassment - now termed "cybertorture."
"Cyber" is in reference to 'cybernetics' which studies the interconnection between computers and living organisms, hence the term, 'cybertorture,' which fits perfectly and efficiently with all that is happening to members of our community in my opinion.
Magnus has suffered horribly himself with life-threatening attacks on many occasions for years due to the abuse of remote torture technologies,and is now in the process of assembling a team of consultants from the United States and elsewhere as he shuttles information to the UN Rapporteur and his investigators to assist them in their work.
Liliana DeLucca-Connor who was a key player in bringing all this together plans to join us this Saturday at our Saturday Night Podcast to discuss the latest developments and answer your questions as the UN investigation begins.
The article that Magnus wrote for Swedish publications explains further and is translated for your review in the section below.
GUEST: Liliana DeLucca-Connor
Saturday, March 14, 2020
Time: 9 pm Eastern/ 8 pm Central/ 7 pm Mountain/ 6 pm Pacific/5 pm Alaska/3 pm Hawaii Call-In Number: 1-319-527-2701 Access Code: 248671#
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More Freedom for Many in 2020!