This life of gratitude is what we, the Sangha of the Cleveland Buddhist Temple, have been exploring and working on using the Paramitas. We started in 2023 with Dana, the intentional act of kindness and added the second paramita of Sila, in 2024. The Mayo Clinic web page suggests it can be achieved in their one month program. Perhaps, but unlikely. It may work for a few weeks or months, but without continual awareness of the Buddha Dharma and, for most of us, the support of the Sangha, what may have been gained in several weeks does not have the foundation to resist returning to old habits. What keeps us at it is the positive feedback we experience when we remember to put gratitude into practice. And we do that with the Buddha Dharma and the Sangha.
Gratitude is something most Mother’s Day greeting cards express. In 1908 when Anna Jarvis wanted to express gratitude for her deceased mother she did it with a memorial service. Much like our monthly Memorial Service, we express gratitude for those who have been significant in our lives. Boston College Professor Helen Manock once assigned us to write a letter of gratitude to our parent, wheather they were alive or dead. One student objected saying they had absolutely nothing to be grateful for to that parent. You could hear the anger, the hurt and the pain in their voice as they tried to make their case to Prof. Manock.
When all the reasons were exhausted, Prof. Manock asked if they were happy to be alive. “Yes”, was the response. Then the gratitude to that parent is for giving us birth, a human birth. The following quote is part of what Buddhists call the Threefold Refuge:
“Hard is it to be born into human life, now we are living it. Difficult is it to hear the teachings of the Buddha, now we hear it. If we do not cross over to the Truth in the present life, in what life shall we cross over?”
May we all understand the role of gratitude in this living in this human form. May we all begin to awaken to the understanding of our interconnections and interdependence. May we both feel and express this gratitude with joy, for “if we do not cross over to the Truth in the present life, in what life shall we cross over?