Over the past decades, Futamura has created several series such as Black Hole, Rebirth and Bol Ecorce, all botanically and geologically inspired sculptures and vases, achieving a perfect balance between Oriental and Occidental approaches to art. Alongside these iconic series, KALPA Galleries has this year selected new works from the collections Vasque and Metamorphose.
These unique artworks are created from a blend of stoneware clays and a mixture of fired and raw fragmented porcelain, to present a texture appearing burned, crushed, charred, or speckled with fine granules. The particular surface of works such as Rebirth and Black Hole is further obtained by a delicate patina of liquid porcelain that cracks around the clay during the refined firing process at high temperatures. Through this innovative procedure, Futamura reveals the power inherent within her medium, aesthetically emphasized by the deep cavities of some of her artworks that seem to be on the brink of expanding to burst or sinking to collapse.