Are You A Maker Or Taker? Many things that happen in your life are outside of your control, however, how you choose to respond to them is completely up to you. A taker is someone who accepts what is happening around them. A maker is someone who shapes the environment they're in. Learn how to shape the world you live in to give yourself better outcomes.
How Nike turned its brand into a $35 billion cognitive ‘shortcut’ The ad world has ditched brand image for brand behavior. How brands are portrayed now takes a backseat to how they behave. Nike has excelled in this by demonstrating bravery and supporting racial & gender equality.
Aesthet-o-scope 72% of American consumers say that product packaging design influences their purchasing. It's important. This is an interesting deep dive into packaging for food products, which includes a timeline of packaging! Did you know that Ancient China is credited for inventing flexible packaging due to their innovations in developing paper?
Big Skills A few ordinary things that are easy to ignore yet work wonders when combined together:
- Curiosity across disciplines
- The ability to endure risk vs. assuming you can avoid it
- Identifying what game you’re playing and not being persuaded by people playing different games.
- Expecting the ridiculous and absurd vs. assuming the world is always governed by rational decisions.
- Low susceptibility to FOMO
- A sensitive bullshit detector.
- Valuing your independence over someone else’s priorities.