France has a colour-coded classification system to indicate the volume of traffic on the highways. There is even a handy - Traffic Forecast - tool on the ( website for trip planning. Generally, the worst bottlenecks are around the Fête National on July 14th, the August 15th holiday, on Saturdays, hot Tuesdays, etc. On those days, the roads might be classified as red or black to indicate one long French traffic jam from Paris to the Mediterranean coastline.
Suddenly the summer holidays are over. This year August 31st marked la rentrée - back to school - return to the office grind and the household juggling act. However, not long after everyone regains their autumnal rhythm, the first set of vacances scolaires arrives. It’s never too early to start planning for family activities during the la Toussaint holidays around November 1st.
Please raise a glass for PANDAS awareness on September 7th. Here is our interview with Susan Manfull on the À Table project.
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Bonne courage,