So much happened so quick this year. Unfortunately, the majority of the events we can label as awful - war, inflation, people losing jobs, people losing lives because of the war! (still can't believe it), nuclear threats, the list goes on...
On top of it all, the tide of "sensational" information was getting bigger by the day.
Personally, I felt the need to escape it all. I watched less television (almost none in the last couple of months), I read fewer articles, and I unsubscribed from most of the newsletters I was previously excited to receive. Sadly, I also read fewer books.
What kept me sane was basically two things: Writing and spending time with my son.
I rediscovered my love for journaling. Not that I had completely abandoned the habit. But I did it less before.
The more I scribed my thoughts on a piece of paper. The better I felt. (For the next year, I'll do my best to incorporate journaling in the writings I publish on my website.)
But since the feeling good state is quickly evaporating. I searched for other activities that can keep me grounded in the present moment. Mindfulness activities and exercising are two worth mentioning.
All that being said, regardless of where you are in the world, I hope you are safe and sane. That your mind is not crippled by negative thoughts. And even if it is, that you are taking steps to self-correct.
In the last days of 2022, I'll urge you to take a moment for reflection. To note down what you've achieved this year. What you want to achieve during the upcoming set of 12 months. And how you plan to do it.
See you in 2023.