Welcome Back!
With schools across the country back in session it is my pleasure to welcome you back to another year of Youth4Music programming! Over the last six months we’ve all navigated the challenges of living, learning, working, and making music in a pandemic, and we’ve seen the power of music to comfort and connect with one another and with our communities. We’ve been busy adapting resources and developing new activities to support and engage youth during a school year unlike any other.
Over the summer, Youth4Music launched its #MakeNoise4MusicEd advocacy campaign. We were so encouraged to see members of the Y4M community sharing our posts, raising awareness of the importance of music education, and raising their voices in support of keeping music in schools this fall. A big thank you to everyone who participated in this campaign and helped spread the message! You can continue making noise for music education by submitting a video for our youth video project, or getting involved on a local or regional level. We hope you’ll continue to raise your voice, and join us in advocating for equitable, accessible, and inclusive music education for all children and youth in Canada.
As this new, unusual school year begins, our top priorities are to support youth in learning, teaching, and making music, and to provide a platform for the youth voice. We’d love to know how you’re preparing for this school year, and how you’ve adapted your music making over the last six months. And as always, if you have an idea for a Youth4Music project that would make a difference in your school or community, let us know! We are here for you and we want to hear from you.
Watch your inbox for our monthly newsletter, and stay connected with us on Instagram and Twitter for all the latest Youth4Music news and announcements. On behalf of the Youth4Music team I wish you all the best for a healthy, meaningful, and memorable year of learning and making music!
Sincerely, Sharon Tikiryan Youth4Music Program Manager