For those of you who are not on Facebook, or missed the post, the following is an important message from TT Secretary Oli Wright
We are now well over half way through the club’s TT season and things have been going pretty well. So far, we’ve had high numbers of riders most Wednesdays (members and others), a reliable and keen number of marshals and a few local and not so local pro riders coming along to show us how it’s done.
I’d like to put out my thanks to Keri and all the helpers from our club and also those from Team Cherwell who make our events happen each week.
I also wanted to put out a couple of necessary messages to everyone please. Our events do have a bit of a local impact even though they only happen for a short time one night a week. We want to keep that impact down and also want to ensure that our timekeepers and marshals are not harassed by unhappy motorists and locals, as happened recently when one of our team was rather rudely approached due to some riders crossing white lines. Keri has also reported some bad manners from people driving past (hand gestures and the like), and we would like to do our best to ensure this is not caused by rider behaviour having a knock-on effect.
Riders must obey the rules of the road and ride safely. You must not cross solid white lines, or any centre lines on bends and at junctions. Whilst this may help you to gain time, it may also be illegal and is potentially dangerous and as mentioned it impacts negatively and may provoke some people to act aggressively towards our helpers,,who are on their own and vulnerable at the roadside.
Whilst rider responsibility is key, so is it necessary to institute regulations to ensure rider safety in my view. Therefore, marshals will be instructed to note the numbers of those riders who cross the centre lines as described above. Those riders will, I am afraid, be disqualified from the results.
A few other reminders for riders are that you must not:
1. Pace others
2. Draft others (if overtaken, give at least five metres and keep out of line)
3. Warm up past competing riders
For marshals, can I please remind you to read the marshalling guide and play an active role in helping the race to proceed safely. Marshalling is not supposed to be your chance to enter the club’s photography competition even though some of you have produced some great shots. Your role is for safety and assistance and we now have a few people out to specifically take photos from time to time so you are best employed helping to make things run smoothly.
We don’t want to make TT nights rule-heavy, but I hope these sensible tweaks to our light touch are understandable. Safety and welfare for all involved on our evenings is absolutely key. As always, feedback is very welcome on anything TT related. Do bear in mind that it won’t be long before we begin to plan for next season so any thoughts on the calendar etc are welcome. One matter I would be keen to hear views on is the continuing use of the Swerford to Chipping Norton course. As a bystander this year, the traffic count and speed of traffic on that road concerned me a bit, and I think Keri is of the same view.
Oli can be contacted via the link below
Other news: Please note that with evening daylight gradually getting shorter, Wednesday TTs will start at 6.30pm on 7th, 14th and 21st August and then on 28th August at 6pm.