Dear USET/USET SPF Family,
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has issued a Dear Tribal Leader Letter announcing it will be hosting a Tribal consultation on its Notice and Request for Information on simplifying and streamlining its preparedness grant process. This consultation will be focused on gathering Tribal feedback to improve efficiency and accessibility to its preparedness grant programs. Specifically, FEMA is seeking feedback on benefits and burdens of FEMA’s preparedness grant programs, as well as feedback on regulations and information collections and policies. FEMA is also seeking information, data, and perspectives to support any proposed changes to simplify its preparedness grant processes.
Details regarding the upcoming Tribal consultation are as follows—
To view a list of Framing Questions for this Tribal consultation, please click here. FEMA has also provided a Consultation Overview, which can be viewed by clicking here. For more information on this Tribal consultation as well as the Notice and Request for Information, please view FEMA’s Tribal consultation website by clicking here. Comments in response to the Tribal consultation and the Notice and Request for Information are due Tuesday, November 7, 2023 by 5:00pm ET
and can be submitted to through under Docket ID No. FEMA-2023-0024. To submit questions in advance of the Tribal consultation, please contact FEMA’s Grant Programs Directorate at or contact a FEMA Regional Tribal Liaison.
For more information, please contact Brian Howard, USET SPF Senior Policy Analyst, at