AAMT e-news

for the Australian mathematics education community

19 February 2018

Vale Leon Poladian

It is with sadness that AAMT notes the passing of Leon Poladian. Leon was recognised with an AAMT Distinguished Service Award for over 25 years of service to the National Mathematics Summer School, most recently as Director until 2017. One of his legacies is the hundreds of students who have been inspired from attending the NMSS.

Prime Minister's Prizes for Science

Criteria for the Prime Minister's Prizes for Science in 2018 have been expanded to include mathematics and technology teachers. Nominations open 21 February. Go to www.business.gov.au/assistance/inspiring-australia-science-engagement/prime-ministers-prizes-for-science.

STEM video game challenge

Registration for the 2018 Australian STEM Video Game Challenge, run by the ACER Foundation, opens on 20 February. This years them is 'Transformation!'

Go to https://www.stemgames.org.au.

[featured resource] Teaching Mathematics Visually and Actively

Tandi Clausen-May

Formerly titled ‘Teaching Maths to Pupils with Different Learning Styles’, this book is about making mathematics visible and tangible – not something that just lies flat on the page. Dipping into it will provide instantly usable suggestions across a variety of topics at different levels: from early number concepts through to fractions and ratios, algebra, aspects of geometry (including angles and circles), time and data handling. When you get a chance to read it more thoroughly you will find arguments for using these approaches, consideration of some of the pitfalls to avoid, and inspiration to develop different ways of helping students to achieve deep and connected understandings. Includes a CD with slideshows, activity sheets and further resources.

#ECA012 $80.00 * AAMT members $64.00 *


[special] Maths Terms and Tables

Jack Bana, Linda Marshall, Paul Swan

The first half of this book provides an alphabetical listing of mathematical terms with clear, concise definitions and illustrative examples. The second half is a handy reference collection of tables, diagrams and explanations covering number and measurement systems, geometrical relationships and terms, data representation approaches and more. This is a great classroom reference resource for teachers as well as for students.

While stocks last.

#RIC008 $12.50 * AAMT members $10.00 *


Other news

The articles below were posted to AAMT's Facebook and LinkedIn pages and Twitter feed, and link to various sites:

Review of teacher registration met with caution and criticism

Sydney maths teacher behind 'WooTube' in world's top 10

The art of reflection: how to become a more thoughtful educator

Non-Math Essentials for Learning Math

Closing the gap on Indigenous education must start with commitment and respect

A Recipe for Inspiring Lifelong Learning

Yes, Math Will Be Required for Life

New study from Stanford University finds that positivity makes kids more successful

Banning mobile phones in classrooms takes education back in time, experts say

How Math (and Vaccines) Keep You Safe From the Flu

Screen Addiction Among Teens: Is There Such A Thing?

What Do We Do When Kids Don’t Like Math?

We have a national STEM strategy, but what we need is a successful one

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GPO Box 1729 Adelaide SA 5001 | 08 8363 0288 | office@aamt.edu.au | www.aamt.edu.au