AAMT e-news

for the Australian mathematics education community

19 March 2018


The CHOOSEMATHS Awards celebrate students and teachers who demonstrate mathematics achievement, creativity and excellence in Australian schools.

The teacher awards recognise innovative and creative educators who have inspired a new generation of students and whose impact has shaped learning and success well beyond their classroom.

The student awards encourage students to get creative and think beyond the classroom to bring their love and understanding of mathematics to life on film. Students will collaborate in small teams to create 3–5 minute videos around this year’s theme ‘Our world needs maths’.

For more information go to https://choosemathsawards.org.au.

My School

An updated My School website has been released which includes 2017 NAPLAN results for schools, school profile and population data, and 2016 school financial information. The website has been updated to be easier to use, more engaging and to provide a mobile-friendly experience. Go to https://myschool.edu.au.

Australian Schools Women's Leadership Summit

As part of 2018 being the Year of Women in School Leadership, an Australian Schools Women's Leadership Summit is taking place in Sydney on 18 April.

The aim of the summit is to contribute to the development of resolute and effective women leaders through skills development, expert advice and strategic sector-based networking. The event will provide a unique opportunity to learn from an unparalleled group of women, from teachers and principals to executive decision makers and inspirational leaders.

For more information, go to www.wla.edu.au/schoolssummit.

George Alexander Fellowships

The George Alexander Foundation and the International Specialised Skills (ISS) Institute are offering five international applied research fellowships in the amount of $10 000 (less GST) each.

The fellowships provide opportunities for individuals aged 18–35 years to acquire higher-level skills and drive leading practice and innovation in Australia in the areas of environment and sustainability, alternative energy, conservation and/or education.

Applications close 13 April. Go to www.issinstitute.org.au/fellowships/fellowships-available

[featured resource] Savannah Dreams

Lolla Stewart, Elaine Russell

A delightful picture book, with a simple story about Savannah and her family as they go hunting in the bush. Over Sunday to Friday, the rest of the family discover lots of delicious bush tucker and count how many crabs or snakes or waterlily stems they have caught or collected, but Savannah finds only junk. That is until Sunday, when Savannah makes the greatest catch of all.

#HPG500 $27.50 * AAMT members $22.00 *


[special] Focus in High School Mathematics: Reasoning and Sense Making

'Reasoning' and 'sense making' are critical complements to the content knowledge we expect students to learn as they complete their schooling in mathematics. This book provides a broad framework for achieving a focus on reasoning and sense making in the secondary mathematics classroom. It goes on to illustrate this through some practical examples in each of the key contents areas of the curriculum.

While stocks last.

#NCT1071 $25.00 * AAMT members $20.00 *


Other news

The articles below were posted to AAMT's Facebook and LinkedIn pages and Twitter feed, and link to various sites:

Pi Day 2018: the math of pi explained, as simply as possible

Computational Thinking for Kindergartners

Hands-on experience matters for maintaining girls' confidence in STEM subjects, study finds

Australian parents spend less time helping children with school work

Research-Tested Benefits of Breaks

Helium Heist: A 'Pi in the Sky' Math Challenge

Five things parents can do every day to help develop STEM skills from a young age

Celebrating Marion Walter – and other unsung female mathematicians

Flipped Learning's global collaboration

Bridging the gender gap: why do so few girls study Stem subjects?

When teachers have a fear of math, their pupils can absorb the wrong lesson

Math: Is Test Correction a Good Use of Time?

Building Students’ Noncognitive Skills

7 Grading Tips for New Teachers

Eight ways to introduce kids to STEM at an early age

Engineering undergrads need advanced maths at school

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