Looking for a way to add some joy to your world in the new year? Try growing plants instead of buying fake ones. Simply put, they look better, improve the air, and offer health benefits.
Studies show that being with an indoor plant can improve our mood. It only takes 20 minutes or less to feel better by being around a real plant. They can also support mental health by reducing anxiety and depression. Marie Kondo, organizing consultant, author, and TV presenter, says, “The magic of plant life—learning about, caring for and observing—is one of the unending sources of wisdom and pleasure in our world. Plants welcome serenity into homes, showing your space that you care for its well-being.”
In addition to health benefits plants help purify indoor air. It’s important to note that to be as effective as a modern day purifier one would need many plants around the home, but they definitely add to the quality of the air. Some of the most effective air purifying species include: areca, lady, dwarf date, and bamboo palms; Boston fern; rubber tree; spider plant; and the Ficus tree. If you have children or pets, be sure to check out this list of 15 Non-Toxic Houseplants that are Safe for Kids and Pets.
Plants can also increase our productivity and focus. Humans spend 90% of our time indoors, so bringing a bit of nature into our homes can help us connect. Fortune Well interviewed Christopher Satch, professor at the New York Botanical Gardens, who said, “Watching [plants] grow and thrive provides a sense of optimism.” He also noted that this connection may inspire people to act in more sustainable ways.
So start your new year by adding some magic and joy to your home and add an indoor plant to your living space.