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AFS 國際文化交流 2019年3-4月通訊
AFS Hong Kong Newsletter (March - April 2019)

最新動向 / NEWS

AFS T裇設計比賽 / T-shirt Design Contest

我們是時候要換新T裇了! 一如既往,我們也希望能讓所有香港AFSers參與其中。所以,如果設計是你的長項,別錯過這次機會了,在4月7日 (日) 或之前傳送你的作品至。勝出者不止可獲HK$500獎金,以後的AFSers更會穿著你的設計前往世界各地交流!

It's time for a new t-shirt! As usual we would love to invite all Hong Kong AFSers to participate in it. So if you are good at design, don't miss this opportunity, send your work to on or before 7 April (Sun). The winner not only receives HK$500 as a prize, future AFSers will also wear his / her design when they go on exchange!

跨文化學習工作坊日期 / ICL Workshop Date

下一次跨文化學習 (ICL) 工作坊的日期已經確認了!  將會在 3月16日 (六) 於AFS辦事處舉行! 如果各位義工或感興趣的AFSers之前未能參加此工作坊,別錯過這次機會,進一步了解AFS計劃背後的文化概念! 我們亦打算在今年於海外舉辦進階工作坊,所以,如你有興趣參加,這個入門版工作坊更是不可錯過了! 現在就點撃以下按鈕了解詳情及報名吧!

The next ICL workshop date is now confirmed! It will be held on 16 March (Sat) at AFS office! If you are AFS volunteer or interested AFSer who was not able to join the previous workshops, don't miss this opportunity to understand the cultural concepts behind AFS programs! We also plan to organize an overseas advanced workshop in 2019. So if you are interested in joining that one. you will have to attend this entry level workshop first too! click the following button now for details and registration!

參加 ICL 工作坊 / Join the ICL Workshop

2019-20 一年海外文化交流計劃截止申請日期 / Year Exchange Program Application Deadline

本年度的一年交流計劃將於3月15日 (五) 截止申請! 別錯過這個最後機會,向你的家人、朋友介紹AFS,讓更多年青人認識這個幫助他們開創未來的機會! 現在就點撃以下按鈕了解詳情! 如有興趣知道更多,歡迎致電 2802 0383 與我們聯絡!

The application for our year exchange program this year will close on 15 March (Fri)! Don't miss this final opportunity, introduce AFS and this life-changing experience to your family and friends! Click the following button now to check out the details! If you wish to know more, please call 2802 0383 to contact us!

    2019-20 接待家庭招募 / Host Family Recruitment

    踏入三月,又是時候為來年的接待計劃作準備了! 由於今年八月又會有數十名接待交流生從世界各地來到香港,我們即將需要大量接待家庭! 成為接待家庭,往往是一個畢生難忘的文化交流經歷,現在就點撃以下按鈕了解詳情! 如有興趣知道更多,歡迎致電 2802 0383 與我們聯絡!

    Stepping into March, it's time to prepare for our hosting program next year! As there will be many host students coming from all over the world to Hong Kong in August, we will need a lot of host families to support! Being a host family is often an unforgettable cultural exchange experience. Click the following button now to check out the details! If you wish to know more, please call 2802 0383 to contact us!

    交流計劃詳情 / Exchange Program Details
    接待計劃詳情 / Hosting Program Details

    / Exchange Program Survey Result

    2017-18年度海外交流計劃的問卷調查結果出爐了! 我們很高興看到92% 學生家長及86%學生對今年的整體經驗表示滿意,所有學生家長及92%學生也表示他們會向朋友推薦AFS。感謝所有義工的付出! 讓我們在新一年一起努力,令更多參與計劃的香港學生能享受他們的交流經歷,由此開創未來!

    The survey result of 2017-18 Overseas Exchange has been released! We are glad to see that 92% natural family of students and 86% exchange students are satisfied with their overall experience, all natural family and 92% students stated that they would recommend AFS to their family and friends. Thanks to all volunteers for your support! Let's us work together to enhance the experience of our exchange students and help them to make the most of this life-changing experience!

      FringeBacker 眾籌活動 / Crowdfunding Project

      新年快樂! 相信大家在農曆新年期間都收到不少利是錢,不知道你打算如何使用呢? 我們於FringeBacker網站上發動了眾籌活動,如果你願意捐出自己的利是錢,幫忙我們提供更多AFS獎學金,讓更多學生前往外地交流,請點擊「支持我們」按鈕前往眾籌頁面!

      Happy New Year! Have you decided how to use your red pocket money received during the Chinese New Year? We have started a crowdfunding project on FringeBacker, if you are willing to donate your red pocket money to support us in providing more scholarships and offering more chances for Hong Kong students to join our overseas exchange program, please visit our project page by clicking the 'Support Us' button!

      支持我們 / Support Us

      我們的家訪工作仍然需要你的支持! 如果你曾經參與AFS交流計劃及願意撥出少許時間幫忙,請點撃以下按鈕了解詳情! 

      Our home visits still need your support! If you participated in AFS exchange programs before and could spare some time to help, please click the following button for details!

      參與家訪工作 / Join the Home Visits


      Johnathan (Switzerland, 2017-18)

      在參與一年海外文化交流計劃之前,大家通常都會有各種疑問: 交流生多久能學會當地語言? 海外交流安全嗎? 延遲一年畢業是否浪費時間? 回港後能否於原校繼續升讀? 擔心離開身邊朋友? 我們邀請了2017-18年瑞士回港交流生Johnathan為大家解答以上問題,現在就點撃以上圖片觀看影片吧! 如果你身邊有親朋好友對計劃感興趣,請與他們分享此影片!

      Before joining the year exchange program, participants usually have a lot of questions about it: Is it difficult to go to non-English speaking countries? Is it safe to study abroad? Is a gap year on exchange a waste of time? Did your school reserve a place for you? Did you worry about leaving your circle of friends behind? We invited Johnathan (Switzerland returnee, 2017-18) to share with you their experiences! Please click the above picture to view the video! Please share it with your family and friends who are interested in joining the program too!

      準備好迎接改變一生的經歷? 希望參加AFS海外交流計劃?
      立即致電2802 0383與我們聯絡!

      Ready to have a life-changing experience? Interested to join our overseas exchange programs?  
      Call 2802 0383 to contact us!

      AFS 接待家庭故事 / HOST FAMILY STORY

      Simon & Laura (Switzerland, 2018-19)




      Simon and Laura started to become our host family this year. At first it was just because of their son’s eagerness to host a foreign exchange student, they decided to join the program without thinking too much. Interestingly, after Jannes who is the host student from Switzerland arrived at Hong Kong, he stayed at the same bedroom with their son, so when there were conflicts generated by the difference in personality and habits, he was the one who had the strongest feeling.  Of course this is a chance for him to learn how to get along with people from different background, they also influenced each other in a positive way. For example, Jannes loves sharing his life with host parent every time when he comes back home, Simon and Laura then started to realize that their sons did the same.

      We always say being a host family is to ‘Welcome the world into your home!’, Simon’s family also understood more about Switzerland through Jannes’s sharing on his life back home. Apart from that, as Jannes is very outgoing and loves making friends, he also invited other AFS exchange students to join their family gatherings, this is when Simon’s family heard stories from all over the world.

      Simon and Laura said, our daily life in Hong Kong usually starts with working all day, then urging their children to finish their homework, being a host family is an opportunity to break the routine and add color into their life.

      有興趣接待外國交流生? 立即填寫申請表格!

      Wish to welcome a foreign exchange student to your home? Fill in the application form by clicking the following button!

      成為接待家庭 / Become a Host Family


      Camille Yam

      Camille是2011-12年前往意大利交流的舊生,從回港後參加First Friend計劃開始,成為AFS義工至今已經七年了。七年中Camille曾協助籌辦甄選日、出發前 (學生) 導向營、回港後 (學生)導向營、義工訓練營等活動,更曾到印尼參與義工交流。今年,Camille成為了學生招募組其中一位組長,如果你想知道她成為AFS義工的原因、持續參與義務工作的動力和最難忘的義工經驗,現在就點撃以下按鈕繼續閱讀吧!

      Camille is our 2011-12 returnee who went on exchange in Italy. Since she joined the 'First Friend' program after coming back to Hong Kong, she has been AFS volunteer for about 7 years already. During these 7 years, Camille helped organizing selection days, pre-departure (student) orientation camp, re-entry (student) orientation camp and volunteer training camp, she also participated in volunteer exchange in Indonesia. This year Camille becomes one of our recruitment team leaders. If you are interested in the reasons why she became an AFS volunteer and actively involved in our volunteer work as well as her most memorable volunteer experience, click the following button now to read more!

      繼續閱讀 / Read More

      準備好加入AFS的義工團隊? 立即填寫申請表格!

      Ready to be our volunteer? Fill in the application form by clicking the following button!

      成為義工 / Become a Volunteer

      認識我們 / ABOUT US

      大家好! 為使大家進一步了解AFS的團隊及運作,我們每一期通訊都會介紹一名AFS香港職員。現在就來認識我們的會計師 Eric Kwok 吧!

      Greetings from AFS Hong Kong office! To help you better understand our team and operations, we introduce an AFS staff member on every newsletter. Now let's get to know our Accountant Eric Kwok!

      過往活動 / PAST EVENTS

      2019/01/05 / 盤菜宴 / Pun Choi Dinner


      Stepping into 2019, AFS Hong Kong invited our host students, host families, and support volunteers to participate in a hearty Pun Choi Dinner in early Jan. Our host students also performed unicorn dance that night. We are glad that everyone had a great time!

      2019/01/12 / 舊生會燒烤活動 / Alumni BBQ Party

      AFS 香港舊生會於一月中舉行了年度燒烤活動,讓不同年份的舊生有機會相聚,互相認識! 希望未來有更多舊生參與香港AFS的活動!

      AFS Hong Kong Alumni Committee held an annual BBQ party in mid-January. It was a very precious opportunity to let returnees who went on exchange in different years to get to know each other. We hope more returnees will participate in the AFS Hong Kong activities!

      2019/02/01-03 / XXX Camp 4.0

      由學生招募組義工舉辦的訓練營 XXX Camp 已經邁入第四屆了! 今年的訓練營由義工Jerry、Hugo、Camille、Kiri、Miles、Po Yee及Dolfi籌辦,讓新一代義工有機會設計及帶領遊戲,從中學習相關技巧!

      This is the 4th year when recruitment team volunteers organize the training camp 'XXX Camp'! The training camp this year was hosted by volunteers Jerry, Hugo, Camille, Kiri, MIles, Po Yee, Dolfi. It provided a great opportunity for new generation of volunteers to learn how to design and lead games!

      海外交流計劃活動 / Sending Program Events

      接近交流計劃截止申請日期,我們正忙於跟更多香港學生分享這個交流機會。但除了舉辦講座之外,我們也正在為計劃參加者舉辦 Info Night,讓他們進一步了解所有交流計劃的資訊。在二月十五日,我們更與學生招募組義工一同籌辦了本年度第三輪甄選日! 

      As our exchange program application is about to close soon, we are now arranging more seminars to share the opportunity with more Hong Kong students. At the same time, we are arranging home visits for program participants. Info nights are also held to equip participants with all program information. On 15th February, we also host the 3rd selection day with our recruitment team volunteers!

      接待計劃活動 / Hosting Program Events

      2018-2019 接待計劃轉眼間已完成一半,為了幫助接待交流生及接待家庭適應交流生活,我們在一月分別舉辦了兩次中期導向會。農曆新年前,我們的支援義工 Hong 更悉心教授交流生寫揮春,讓他們學習中國傳統文化藝術! 

      Half of the 2018-2019 hosting program has completed. To help host students and their host families adapting to the exchange life, we held mid-stay orientations for them respectively in January. Before Chinese New Year our support volunteer Hong also taught host students how to write Fai Chun. It was a great opportunity for students to understand Chinese culture!

      不想再錯過精彩的AFS活動? 請留意我們的社交網站!
      Follow us on social media so that you won't miss the next awesome AFS activity!

      Copyright © 2019 AFS Intercultural Exchanges, All rights reserved. 

      Our mailing address is: 
      AFS Intercultural Exchanges
      8/f, Shun Feng International Centre,
      182 Queen's Road East, 
      Wanchai, Hong Kong
