The Foundational Nutrients
In the last email, I talked abut building your health foundation. This is important for resolving health issues and maintaining good health.
These nutrients are essential to your body's biochemical interactions involved in maintaining your body's internal balance.
The Foundational Nutrients are:
1: Vitamin D- As we have seen, Vitamin D is important for your immune system to function well. Low Vitamin D is also associated with depression and diabetes.
2: CoQ 10- This is a cofactor for optimal mitochondrial function. The mitochondria are the energy factories of the cells. Proper cell function is only possible when the mitochondria are making enough energy to power it.
3: Fish Oils(EPA-DHA)- These are fatty acids that are essential for maintaining cell integrity. They are important for brain function and have a blood thinning function. Vegetarians can use Flax oil.
4: Multi-Vitamin- The biochemical processes in every cell of our body use many cofactors. These cofactors are vitamins and minerals. The biochemical processes include making and breaking down hormones, making and breaking down neurotransmitters, and making energy and getting rid of toxic waste All of these chemical reactions use cofactors to work. Over time these chemical reactions burn up the cofactors and then they don't work, as well. They may not function at all or they may slow down. A good Multi-Vitamin provides the vitamins and minerals to replenish these cofactors and keep the processes working at an optimal level.
5: Methyl Support- Methylation is a critical chemical process. Methylation status(good or bad) affects hormone production, energy production, brain neurotransmitter creation and breaking down and liver detoxification. The two main methylated vitamins are B12 and Folate(not folic acid). When these become depleted, the above functions slow down and become deficient. Supplementing with Methyl-Support helps maintain healthy levels of Methyl B12 and Methyl Folate.