First Unitarian Connection |
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Sundays at First Unitarian Church |
Sunday, December 1, 11:00 am, Sanctuary
"Holiday Spirit Sunday"
Join us in person or watch on YouTube.
Join us Sunday, December 1 at 11:00 am for our annual Holiday Spirit Sunday, formerly known as Hanging of the Greens. You'll have opportunities to both sing carols and make some ornaments for our tree as part of the all ages worship!
Participating in today’s service:
Service Leader: Tim Atkins, DLRE; Worship Associate: Susan Bishop; Chalice Lighter: Cortney Custer; Call to Offering: Lana Henson; Choir Director: Chukwuebuka ('Ebuka) G. Ezeakacha; Music: 1UC Choir; Accompanist: Steven Elkins Kennedy; Technical Support: Tammy Epperson and Ellisya Ravencroft: Ushers: Members of The Gardening Covenant Group
Our Ushers for the month of December are: The Gardening Covenant Group meet once a month, on the third Tuesday at 7:00 pm in members’ homes or at the church. As a Covenant Group we support one another when a person’s need arises. Each month we check in and connect socially, and we share gardening tips and ideas with each other. Occasionally we have educational and fun field trips, locally and out of town, such as a guided tour of Will Rogers Park and of the Dallas Arboretum. For the First Unitarian Church we provide limited gardening services for the grounds including the Memorial Garden. For many years we have provided an offering in the annual church auction when members of the Gardening Covenant Group agree. Contact: Barbara Gallivan for more information.
Child Care and Nursery
The Childcare Rooms are open from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm each Sunday morning. (10:00 am to 11:00 am for childcare for any adult programming happening and 11:00 am to 12:30 pm for worship.)
Childcare will be taking place in the nursery and attached preschool room.
Sunday, December 1, 10:00 am
Sunday Morning Meditation (In-Person)
Please join us for meditation practice in the Buddhist tradition (lower level, next to Corley Commons).
All are welcome; no meditation experience necessary!
For more information contact Lori Jervis.
Sunday, December 1, Daniel Hall (immediately after the service) Daniel Hall
Coffee, Lemonade and Conversation
Join us after the service in Daniel Hall for coffee, lemonade and conversation.
Sunday, December 1, 6:00 pm
Join Us for the Interfaith World AIDS Day Service
First Unitarian Church is hosting The World AIDS Day Service, 6 pm December 1, 2024.
It will be a Service OF Reflection, Healing, & Hope. Everyone, Every Faith is warmly invited to attend and participate in this meaningful collective action. World AIDS Day is a time to come together to remember those we've lost to HIV and AIDS, celebrate our successes in saving and improving the lives of people living with HIV, and renew our collective commitment to ending the HIV epidemic in the United States and around the world by advancing education, providing better access to testing, and improving adherence to therapies and pre-exposure prophylaxis
There will be an opportunity for reflection in Daniel Hall immediately following the Service. For those who are able, please bring finger foods prior to the Service.
Spirit of life and love, keep us connected to life’s inspiration and to each other. Spark our imaginations to create the world we dream about.
Our Radical Welcoming Team warmly invites you to attend the
evening service, followed by a reception.
To help make this
event a success, we’re seeking volunteers to contribute desserts and hors
d’oeuvres for the reception. If you’re unable to attend the evening service,
you can still participate by dropping off your items in the kitchen during our
regular morning service.
We greatly
appreciate your support and generosity in making this gathering meaningful for
all. Thank you!
up here:
Thanks from Jan Staat
I would like to thank everyone for the thoughtful cards, kind words, and phone calls I received after Henry’s death. It’s difficult to express how much these meant to me. Thank you so much for your care and concern.
Jan Staat
Thursday, November 28, 12:00 pm, Daniel Hall
Thanksgiving Day Lunch with your UU Friends!
Come sit down with your fellow UU's for a Thanksgiving Day dinner! Bring something tasty to share!
Contact Becky Tallent at (405) 882-8295 or if you aren't sure what to bring, or if you have any questions!
There will be two fully cooked turkeys and a ham ready for you to "gobble up" and enjoy!
Please be ready and willing to set up and clean up if you attend! It will be "all hands on deck".
Come and enjoy the day with your friends at church! Hope to see you there!
Friday, November 29, 2:00 pm, Sancutary
Memorial Service for Tim Larason
We will be celebrating the life of Tim Larason on Friday, November 29, at 2:00 pm in the Sanctuary.
For those of you unable to attend, we hope that you will join us online (the live stream link is below).
Reception following the service.
Direct link to service
Be an Elf!
Drug Court Christmas
It is that time again to make the holidays brighter for a child whose parents are a part of drug court. Stop by the display in Daniel Hall to select a child or two.
Make the holidays brighter for these children.
1. Take a gift tag that has the child’s information.
You may take more than one tag.
2. Each paper is numbered—sign your name by the
match ing numbers on the master list.
3. Purchase a gift or several small gifts that add up to $60—$70
4. Be sure to attach the child’s information slip to your
unwrapped gift(s) in a gift bag.
5. Place your gifts under the tree in Daniel Hall by Sunday, December 15.
Thank you for your help!
If you have any questions please call Genie Baumann at (405) 401-7531
Mitten Tree
A tradition for many years, our Mitten Tree will be up in Daniel Hall through January 5.
Please help bring it to life with mittens, gloves, scarves, or winter hats (no socks please), which we will donate to those less fortunate to help them get through these cold winter months.
November 29 - December 15
The Game's Afoot and Holmes for the Holidays
Go see 1UC member, Lana Henson in The Game’s Afoot or Holmes for the Holidays at Carpenter Square Theater running November 29-December 15!
Get tickets here.
Lifespan Religious Exploration |
Wednesday Nights 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Wednesday Night Social Youth Group
We are ready to announce a Wednesday night social youth group for middle and high schoolers! We will begin Wednesday, December 4th, and it will run from 6:30-8pm. We will have pizza for the youth at 6:30. Meet downstairs in the youth room.
This youth group will be social focused. We'll eat pizza, have a check in, and then free time to hang out, play games, etc. We'll see what the youth want to do - maybe there's a group what wants to do a weekly hour long DnD session, maybe art club, maybe board games, maybe chatting about life. We're thinking our youth might need a safe place to go midweek after the election, and we're honored to provide that.
We could still use another volunteer or two to help out as part of the team of volunteers who will rotate in to help. Reach out to me if you can!
Adult Education Classes & Courses |
Young Adult Game Night
We are looking at starting a weekly Young Adult game night at the church! We’re thinking Wednesday evenings, but we’re open to a different time. This would be just for folks between the ages of 18 and 40. Would you be interested in participating? Shoot Tim an email at – once we’ve got interested folks, we’ll talk about scheduling inside the group!
2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month - 6:00 pm
Wednesday Night Meditation
Interested in meditation but can't quite make it on Sunday mornings? Or maybe you just want more meditation? We are adding a Wednesday night session to our schedule (6:00 pm - 7:00 pm) in the meditation room in the lower level (Corley Commons).
For more information contact Mary Tate.
Tuesday, December 3, 11:00 am
1UC Alliance
On December 3rd Alliance will have our annual Xmas lunch and program. It's a Potluck, so bring a dish or pay $10.
We'll have Ebuka and our 1UC choir members to provide music and fun, and we have other fun planned too! The "Happy Half-Hour" begins at 11 am, Lunch at 11:30 am and the program begins at noon. And don't forget, we voted to pay $3 each to cover the cost of clean-up when you bring a dish. I hope you can join us; visitors are always welcome - the more the merrier! Maureen Harvey,
Saturday, December 7, 10:30 am, Eddy Room
Racial Justice Team Book Club
Your Racial Justice Team will be hosting a book club. We have done this occasionally over time. Our upcoming book is "Waking Up White and Finding Myself in the Story of Race" by Debby Irving. Rev. Sue recommended it to us. We have 9 people signed up so far.
We will meet in person in Eddy Room the first Saturday of the month: December 7, January 4 and February 1 from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm.
The book is available through Half Priced Books, etc. I will try to explore ordering them in bulk through the book store once we have a number.
Text or call Becky Tallent at 405.882.8095 or email
News from Befrienders
Befrienders relies upon donations. Those donations are used to provide cards, stamps, and items for memorial receptions. If you wish to make a donation, please send a check and put Befrienders on the purpose line of your check. Thank you.
Befrienders is ready to assist members of our church who are recovering from surgeries or illnesses by offering cards of well-wishes, meal trains, transportation to church or medical appointments as well as arranging for visitations, and we provide the receptions following memorial services.
Befrienders have teams assigned for specific roles.
- Lana Henson leads our Cards of Well Wishes team and can always use extra hands to write cards to our members who are ill or who are recovering from surgeries. If you enjoy writing cards to people, let her know.
- Ginny Boykin leads our Memorial Receptions team. She calls on folks to bring food for the receptions. If you are a baker or cook, let her know.
- Patti Kate leads our Transportation team and is looking for folks to be added to her list of people willing to be drivers for anyone needing a ride to a doctor’s appointment, therapy appointment, etc. She is actively recruiting for folks to be on her team.
- Meal Trains – we don’t have a team leader yet for this team of people willing to step up and provide a meal to an individual or family. Much of the work of the leader is organizing the Meal Train on-line. If you are interested, please contact Susan Bishop for more info,
If you are interested in joining any of these teams, please let Susan Bishop know at
Change for Change
For the month of December our Change for Change partner is UUSC (Unitarian Universalist Service Committee).
Their mission: UUSC advances human rights and social justice around the world, partnering with those who confront unjust power structures and mobilizing to challenge oppressive policies. Their work is grounded in the belief that all people have inherent power and dignity.
CHANGE FOR CHANGE needs your help. Did you know that anyone can suggest a worthy local non-profit in our community? Do you know how?
- Check out the website and click on the justice tab
- Then click on Community Partnerships and click on the application in green in the middle of the page.
- Submit the application to Deborah Shinn or leave it in the office Social Justice mailbox. Or you can email the completed application to them. They be found in Breeze.
BOHEMIAN CAFÉ is January 18th
7-10p. Come join with friends as we imbibe from the fruit of the vine, gnosh on wonderful tidbits, and dance to the sounds of Ms Brown To You. Mark your 2025 calendar now for an evening’s entertainment you don’t want to miss.
1UC’S CURBSIDE PANTRY needs donations. When you attend services or activities at church, please bring a can or other non-perishable food item and place it in our pantry along Dewey St. If you can’t bring food, consider making a financial donation to the pantry instead. We have a very helpful elf who does the shopping.
NEWS FROM UUSC (Unitarian Universalist Service Committee)
Since it began in 1975, the Guest at Your Table program has introduced generations of Unitarian Universalists to our grassroots partners working for justice around the world with your support. This church year, we are celebrating Guest at Your Table’s 50thanniversary with the theme “Expanding the Welcome Table.”
As we transition into our 50th year and five decades of partner-centered advocacy and activism, you will meet:
• Young climate activists in the Marshall Islands helping their communities heal from the destructive legacy of nuclear testing by the United States while envisioning a sustainable future for their people;
• LGBTQ+ leaders in Ukraine offering resources and companionship to the queer community impacted by Russia’s full-scale invasion;
• Haitian academics researching racism’s impacts on the experiences of migrants of color in the United States; and
• Trans organizers forming networks of safety and welcome for trans and gender expansive people forced to flee unsafe communities and states.
Sunday, January 29, 9:00 am, Eddy Room
The 1UC VOICE Team will not be meeting until January 26th, 9 am in the Eddy Room, when we have a new Lead Organizer in place. Happy Holidays and Thanks for your dedication.
How to Contact Our Ministers |
Information for our Worship Minister and Pastoral Care - Rev. Jonalu Johnstone |
You can email her directly at:
Note: Most meetings continue to meet via Zoom but some groups may elect to meet in the building. Please contact the meeting organizer directly if you are uncertain of the location.
- Sunday Morning Meditation – Every Sunday at 10:00 am, Meditation Room - Corley Commons (contact Lori Jervis for information - see article above)
- Tuesday Adult Ed: Tuesday Discussion Group - Every Tuesday, 11:00 am (contact Ron Wasson for information)
- Bell Choir Rehearsal – Every Wednesday, 5:45 pm, Sanctuary (contact LaDonna Hunt for information)
- Wednesday Night Meditation - 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month, 6:00 pm, Meditation Room - Corley Commons (contact Larry Little for information)
- Choir Rehearsal – Every Wednesday, 7:00 pm, Sanctuary (contact 'Ebuka Ezeakacha for information)
- Thanksgiving Dinner/Potluck at the Church - Thursday, November 28, 12:00 pm (contact Becky Tallent for information or see the article above)
- Memorial Service for Tim Larason - Friday, November 29, 2:00 pm, Sanctuary
- World Aids Day Service - Sunday, December 1, 6:00 pm, Sanctuary (contact Lynn Ann Wagner for information)
- 1UC Alliance - Tuesday, December 3, 11:30 am, Daniel Hall (contact Maureen Harvey for information)
- UU Book Club - Thursday, December 5, 7:00 pm (contact Steve Gryglewicz for information)
- Racial Justice Book Club – Saturday, December 7, 10:30 am, Eddy Room (contact Becky Tallent for information)
If you have a newsletter article you would like to submit please email your article to no later than Tuesday (the day before the newsletter goes out) by 5:00 pm.
In order to save printing and mailing costs and to conserve natural resources, the Annual Report will not be mailed by default to all congregants. Instead, it is available online. Please contact Marlies Grogg ( if you would like to receive a hard copy of the Annual Report.
Did you know that you can access all church policies and procedures as well as Board meeting minutes on our new website? Just go to, and click on the "members" link in the upper right-hand corner (just to the left of the Facebook and other social media icons). This will open a page that says "Protected: Members." The password is @600NW13thSt [Note: the password is case-sensitive; do not put in additional punctuation or spaces.]
From here, click on "church documents." All official policies and procedures can be found in the "policies" folder. The bylaws and Board of Trustees meeting minutes are in the "governance" folder. Please disregard the "website SOPs" folder, which is for administrative use only.
Worship Minister and Pastoral Care - Rev. Jonalu Johnstone
Consulting Minister - Rev. David H. Messner
(from First Unitarian Church Chicago)
Director of Lifespan Religious Exploration - Tim Atkins
Choir Director - Chukwuebuka ('Ebuka) G. Ezeakacha
Accompanist - Steven Elkins Kennedy
Congregational Administrator - Marlies Grogg
President of the Board of Trustees – Cathy Webster
President Elect – Sundra Flansburg
Immediate Past President – Marcia Woodward
Clerk – Doug Vincent
Treasurer – Ron Wasson
Cortney Custer Lorriana Lee-Knapp Ann Meeks Carrie Moore Mariliee Peryam Mairead Todd
Committee on Ministry
Suzanne Broadbent Liz Pillar-Little John Schneider Tom Peryam Derrick Wagner