Don’t forget that if you need to refer a patient back to 111 you should be using the Health Professional Line by dialing 111 and selecting option 3.
Patients should not be asked just to call 111 again as they will have to start the assessment process from the beginning. You can also use this option to get advice on any patients presenting at your pharmacy too.
Patients referred to local pharmacies under the minor illness strand of the service should not be refused consultations as they don’t meet the criteria for the seven common conditions. Remember that any patient referred for a minor illness consultation should be assessed by the pharmacist and if they require further treatment or review you should either call the Health Professional Line as above, refer to their GP, UTC or A&E as appropriate.
Page 10 of the Service Specification explains how to deal with minor illness referrals. As long as the patient has been referred by 111 or a GP Practice you can claim payment for these consultations.