The Latest Trend.

When you're in the middle of the trend you don't even know it, it's like working in a smoke-filled bar and getting used to the odor after a few days.


Superhero story lines are hot now. They're the inciting force in driving the consumer to buy. Typically, we're in this mixture of mainly superhero stories (The Flash, Thor, She Hulk) that connect on all levels. It didn't stop with Tony Stark dying in Avengers End Game.


But hey, remember when it had to be zombies? Nothing but zombies in fact, driving out all the other monster idioms. The Walking Dead ruled the landscape. There was Z Nation, Sean of the Dead, as well has a host of Marvel Superheroes 'zombified' for their readers curious for the undead treatment.


In the mid 1990s to early 2000s it was all about Vampires: Interview with a Vampire, Twilight, Bram Strokers Dracula.


Go earlier than that, and everything had to do with a secret conspiracy. The X-files, Millennium, Lost, Oliver Stone's JFK. The Truth was out there and no one's going to stop you from finding out... until you disappear.


Trends come and go. I prefer ones born on shifts in society, where fresh blood can challenge our perceptions and expose human nature, like the hippie/counter culture era which gave rise to Underground Comix and free weekly newspapers like The Village Voice. Will Eisner, the undisputed elder statesman of all comics, had a deep connection to the Underground movement. It's what made me move to San Francisco 30 years ago.

Have a great weekend!

Tim Larsen

12 Woodwardia Ave

Felton CA 95018