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"Everyone needs a chance to evolve."
― Jay-Z

Liza Kindred logo with sparkle emoji
5 quick things –
Photo of two smiling women (Liza to the left and her daughter to the right) standing in front of a bright yellow traffic sign that says

Hi, gorgeous! 

Greetings from NYC! I've been very sick all week, and the only two commitments I kept all week were lunch with Nika and a guest spot on the Dr. Joy show today. It was super fun and I'm glad I managed to rally! But back to resting. (I will share the link to the show when it airs.)

    Okay, I'm late with your 5 things, so let's dive right in. ⏬

    1. nature is an enigma; just go with it

    Lightning tourism is a thing that is possible because lightning storms strike this town 300 days a year.  (NYT article; super cool YouTube video)

    Do you know that there are underwater lakes? They are also called brine pools and it has to do with salt. Do not go in one.  (NOAA)

    Tylenol might ease hurt . . . feelings? (NPR)

    diamonds falling through space
    Things i saw coming a mile away
    2. We WTF indeed

    I've worked at a lot of co-working spaces here in NYC, and was one of the first members of We Work Labs way back in the day. It was . . . not a culture fit. I found the place full of hubris and tech-bro-hustle vibes. (We couldn't have meetings in the meeting rooms because the people drinking beer and playing ping pong were too loud to do any actual work.)

    Recently, the company now called "We" has turned out a jaw-droppingly shady IPO filing that has pulled the curtain back on how incredibly dishonest (inept?) the leadership and investment teams have been. It seems like stuff I thought was just messy (like them repeatedly overcharging our account and then refunding it) may actually have been large-scale accounting fraud? Anyways, my fave NYU professor Scott Galloway, wrote a fantastic take-down of the unbelievable saga. Even if the topic doesn't interest you, Prof. Gallaway's acerbic wit is legendary.

    a group of burnt out matches against a pink background
    3. a little obsessed

    In light of the above, I am especially loving these "self-funded" socks from The Wing. (They have great merch; I love buying gifts there.)

    I am obsessed with these crystal-embellished Virgin Mary statues from the artist Kyle Montgomery.

    And as you already know, I'm obsessed with Ram Dass and think this article about him in GQ is a great read: The Unified Theory of Ram Dass.

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    pink book cover with the purple title
    4. his eyes give him away

    Some days you're the dog, some days you're the cat, and some days you're the parent saying some sh*t you never thought you should have to say. 😂

    (19 second video here; sound on)

    pale purple background behind a woman's hands holding a blue book
    5. living the dream / nightmare

    Last month, I brought you a piece called How to Lose a Third of a Million Dollars Without Really Trying in which my friend Heather Demetrios shared the financial mistakes she made as a new author. It is, in my opinion, a really brave thing to do–to share your own mistakes in the hopes that you can help other people avoid them. I applaud anyone speaking from such a place.

    Well, the piece went viral. And what does viral mean when you are a woman on the internet? It means that people get really mean and start with the threats and name-calling. Heather has been subjected to way too much unkindness and vitriol–all because she shared her mistakes. I am sad that this happened, but am also so proud of Heather for standing up for herself! Standing in solidarity with her and with all women who are trying to get their voices heard on the internet amidst a sea of harassment.

    But there is good on the internet, too–please enjoy one of my fave gif accounts, Gentle Sports Touches. :) 

    Finally: remember to check in on your "strong" friends every once in a while. Everyone loves to know they are cared for, even the ones that seem to have it all together. 💓



    Instagram photo of a woman hugging another woman, and on both women, it says
    A Twitter post that says,
    Instagram photo of a cute black and grey doggie sitting on a pink meditation cushion. :)
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    Liza Kindred

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