Dear USET/USET SPF Family,
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) All of Us Research Program aims to accelerate medical research and medical advancements for all. NIH states that All of Us recognizes that American Indians and Alaskan Natives (AIAN) are underrepresented in medical research, and are often not included in sufficient numbers to arrive at conclusive results about our populations. USET SPF has advocated in the past for stronger data protections in NIH programs and activities, including in the All of Us program. We maintain that as a research entity and a federal agency that must uphold the government's trust and treaty obligations to Tribal Nations, NIH must be held to stronger data sharing requirements to protect subject data, and must institute protocols for integrating Tribal consent, oversight and Tribal ownership of data. USET SPF will continue to advocate for greater Tribal data protections and sovereignty at NIH and within all HHS programs.
The Tribal Engagement team at All of Us will be hosting information sessions for AI/AN Tribal leaders, Indigenous-led organizations, Indigenous researchers, and community members across Tribal land and urban Indigenous communities. Each session has a different topic. The remaining sessions will be held on the following dates and times:
These informational sessions will inform the Tribal consultation that will be held on September 28, 2023. More information can be found on the All of Us Tribal engagement page.
For more information, please contact Ashton Martin, USET SPF Health Policy Analyst, at