Welcome to the 20th edition of the CX by Design Ideas newsletter. This is a monthly mailing by your hosts, Lis Hubert and Diana Sonis, where we focus on sharing human-centered ideas for business. Thank you for being here. We appreciate you. P.S. Was this email forwarded to you? You need your own!
Los Angeles, CA - Tuesday, June 1st, 2021
Hi everyone,
Can you believe we're almost at the halfway point of 2021?
On our end, we've been hard at work on a few interesting engagements, including creating a strategy for human-centric consumer services from the ground up for a global retailer and diving deep into the world of Finance Advisers through UX research. Always an adventure!
Thank you to everyone who attended our multi-day, virtual workshop: Leave a Trail of Breadcrumbs: Designing Navigation with Customer Intentions. These sessions were a deep dive into our theory that rethinking how information is structured in our digital world will create technology that works for humans, not the other way around. We hope you learned from us as much as we learned from you. :)
The importance of designing a navigation structure that shape-shifts with user intentions seems to resonate with people, and we continued to share our ideas in an article for Boxes & Arrows. As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts if you give it a read. Please feel free to share with any and everyone whom you think may be interested.
Below, check out the roundup of some of the articles we've been reading. We hope you enjoy them!
Diana Sonis,
Founding Partner