For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10
ARK Encounter Trip! March 10-13. Everyone welcome! This trip is open to everyone churchwide! Look for an informational flyer in the main lobby. Total cost is $300 per person. Final payment will be due February 23.
STS Youth Conference: January 18 - 20, 2025 in Pigeon Forge!
Business Meeting: Wednesday, January 15 at 6pm.
Headsets are available at the sound board (back of the sanctuary) for the hearing impaired.
Kickoff is January 15!!
Location: FLC Serving Time: 5pm Serving Line Closes: 5:50pm
WNS is a churchwide opportunity for fellowship! Not just for AWANA participants. Donations to offset the cost of food will be accepted. It is very helpful to the food prep team to have an approximate number of people eating... please make reservations from week to week at the AWANA sign in table!
Menu for Jan 15: Taco Bar & Nachos
Menu for Jan 22: Chicken Nuggets, French Fries, Green Beans
The Helping Hands Ministry was inspired by Doris Thompson and her vision to reach out to our shut-ins and homebound members. This ministry delivers gifts to our shut-ins once a month, on the 4th Thursday (except during the holidays). Even though a gift is delivered, the true gift is the visit and time spent with the member who is unable to attend church.
January 23 - 10am at FLC
PrimeTimers: January 30 at 11am in the FLC. Join us for a day of fellowship and fun! We will have a traditional New Years meal together. Please reply to this email or sign up at the bulletin board to register before January 26!
Every Thursday! 8:10 am - 11:30am
Servants for the week of January 19 - January 25
Deacon of the week: Phillip H
Temple Guard: Daniel S, Bobby S
Welcome Team: Dennis H, Dianne M
Ushers: Manly W
First Experience Team: Gwen L
Nursery: Jan R, Dana R, Sue W, Brittani C, Savannah H
In the event of inclement weather, the decision to cancel or adjust any scheduled or special service of TBC will be made as early as possible. Information pertaining to the cancellation or adjustment of services will be published on the church website and on the church Facebook page.