From Wikipedia:

"[Dave] Berg began at Mad in 1957. For four years, he provided satirical looks at areas such as boating, babysitting, and baseball. In 1961, he started the magazine's 'Lighter Side' feature, his most famous creation. Berg would take an omnibus topic (such as 'Noise,' 'Spectators' or 'Dog Owners') and deliver approximately 15 short multi-panel cartoons on the subject. Beginning in #218 (October 1980), he abandoned the thematic approach, and thereafter covered multiple topics in each article."

Look like you're studying.

The best education hours I got in school were in the library, where I was busy not studying. But you had to look like you were, or they'd kick you out. So I'd pick up a Mad magazine paperback and start reading. I already cited Sergio Aragones and Don Martin in previous emails. I said Don Martin's crazy big-nosed people got copied by kids who wanted to draw a funny person. Dave Berg's style was just the opposite. Dry, reverential, sober, clean. His people always stood stock straight. They lived in very neat places.

Friends with God?

Reading further in the Wikipedia article I was surprised to find he was a fairly religious man (Judaism). He once published a book "My Friend God," which for a workplace full of crazy artists always cutting jokes gave them lots of ways to kid him. Al Jaffee said "We would ask him questions like, 'Dave, when did you and God become such good friends? Did you go to college together, or what?'"

He's the 'Phil Hartman' of the group.

Mad Magazine sometimes would just get too out of hand, too jokey. Dave Berg's 'lighter' comedy tone really made the magazine great as a counter-balance. Dave Berg was the master of the small 'heh heh' laugh. His realm was more relatable, somebody talked the way that a character he drew, or they wore their hair that way.

... if you watched Saturday Night Live back in the 1990s I'd call Dave Berg the Phil Hartman of the magazine.

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United States
