Do you remember we've got SERIES on our website? Those are numerous places of interest that many of our users not only travel - but even live - for.

You can explore series through the single exhaustive list or directly browsing the map of a particular region. 

Notable updates in the past month have been upgrades to our Urban section:

... have all had considerable additions, aimed at increasing our offering and motivating you to explore more places.

Moreover, we are adding items, across all categories, to our Caribbean megaregion. So, heading to Cuba or Puerto Rico? Check the updates within the Series!

The Travel Care Code

We are happy to announce that NomadMania is partnering with the Travel Care Code Initiative (TCCI) created by a network of academics and professionals committed to encouraging responsible travel.

At the heart of this movement is a call to action for people to pledge to travel with care using 10 simple guidelines which you can learn about here

*** Special bonus - a pdf document-reminder with 10 steps.

New Interview - Dondon Bales

Meet Dondon Bales, NomadMania's Executive Committee member leading our travel community's sustainable travel advocacy initiatives.

He has visited over a hundred countries, authored a travel book, contributed as an event panelist and is emerging as a leader in sustainable travel.

Q: How do you approach responsible and sustainable travel practices?

A: For me, it’s about making conscious choices about how I’m going to go about my travels in such a way that I minimize the negative effects on the environment and maximize the positive impact on the communities I visit.

Read the full interview with Dondon here on our blog.

Sustainable Travel Month Initiatives

Welcome to engage in NomadMania’s various initiatives this July with our Sustainable Travel theme. Here are a number of ways you can participate:


1) Respond to our Sustainable Travel Survey poll before the end of July 26 (Wed). Trust us, you don’t want to miss out on those questions!


2) Join the Webinar on How to Travel Sustainably on July 29 (Saturday). The findings of the sustainable travel survey poll will be revealed and you can ask questions to our panelists on sustainable travel topics.

UPDATE. Travel book author, UN Master, and Sustainable Travel Advocacy Committee Member Boris Kester joins our other panelists as well.


3) Send a short video reel or a short text of “What Sustainable Travel Means to You” which we will share in our NomadMania social media.

Simply hit "REPLY" in order to send it.

NomadMania in the Media (again)

NomadMania Executive Committee Chair, Mette Ehlers Mikkelsen, has recently been featured in the Danish magazine Djøfbladet.

Here’s an English translation of an excerpt from the article: 

As chairperson of the globetrotting network NomadMania, Mette has also helped put sustainability on the agenda, because it is a topic that occupies more and more travelers – even the more advanced ones.

"When we travel, it's important what footprint we set, but I think there are more nuances to it than just the plane ticket. You can avoid staying in big hotel chains and buying something from endangered species, and then it's also about what you eat – is it local produce, or am I eating something that's actually flown in?"

NomadMania has partnered with organisations focused on sustainable travel and has named this July "Sustainable Travel Month".

See our all media mentions on the Press Page.


Ultimate Hub for Global Explorers

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