Roland Rydstrom from Anchorage, Alaska, just had a few uninvited guests pop over to his place; last week, a mama moose and her two calves came over to his backyard. Open full post
If you don't live near the sea or just can't travel this summer because of COVID-19 restrictions, there's one more way to get your beach vacation -- bring it to your own backyard. Open full post
This stormy Twitter debate got everyone discussing after someone called out supermarkets over their product shelves exhibiting "systematic racism," but skeptics were not buying it. Open full post
This artist by the name of milkdongcomics on Instagram creates illustrations. However, those illustrations are not simply art. They have a heavy message behind them—animal abuse. Open full post
This viral story of Charlotte Dower’s Monster has been surfing around the internet for the past three years, and people still couldn’t get it out of their heads. Recently, one Russian artist gave it a powerful comic strip treatment. Open full post
On May 28th, Warnock watched her cat Willow play with some lilies in her office. After shooing her away, Warnock's initial concerns were about the pollen stain on the front of her body. But a quick Google search revealed Willow could've actually died. Open full post
Whether we’re talking about jokes, quips, or subtly sarcastic comments, we’ve all been in awkward situations where we don’t understand something that is obvious to nearly everyone else. Open full post
The Black Lives Matter protests demanding justice for Floyd George, racial equality, and an end to police brutality have spread and they’re bringing about real change in American society. Open full post
The Queensland Government recently posted footage on Twitter of thousands of green sea turtles nesting just off the coast of Raine Island, calling it one of the most spectacular sights people will ever see. Open full post
Paper is one of the simplest, yet most amazing things that anyone can use to create art. Take Tania Lissova, for instance, who “grows” tiny hand-crafted paper flower bouquets that look as realistic as actual flowers. Open full post
Have you ever noticed a front door that looked so good, you wanted to take a picture of it? Well, this photographer did and her hobby stretched so far, she now has an Instagram page dedicated solely to The Doors of London and it counts almost 70k followers now. Bella Foxwell started her account as a challenge. "I'd spent the previous year building the accounts of big consumer brands and wanted to see if I could practice what I preached for myself. Open full post
The Grand Prize of 120k dollars went to Jasmine Carey from Australia for her stunning and ethereal photo of a mother Humpback whale sleeping beside her 2-week-old baby. Open full post
Thinking of spicing up your life a little bit? Get yourself some plants and be ready for never-ending drama, daily tantrums, and feeling guilty 24/7. Open full post
In the midst of the George Floyd protests, more and more people are speaking out against injustice. And Sean Trainor, a writing professor at the University Of Florida, had a lot to say about this matter as he shared a disturbing experience of a ride-along with a cop classmate. Open full post
Protesters turned the fence encircling the White House into a 1.7-mile-long crowd-sourced monument to racial justice, as well as a beautiful memorial of those who have lost their lives to the injustice. Open full post
Kids know what questions to ask. And when to ask. And they ask a lot of them. Especially when they are in the "why" phase. And it happened with this Tweeter, pushing him to a short panic. Open full post
UK’s biggest charity zoo, Chester Zoo, has recently announced it is not only struggling, but is on the edge of closing. The supermarket chain Iceland has jumped in to help and adopted all of its Humboldt penguins. Open full post
Thomas Kinkade was a professional painter and created many amazing artworks. He often chose to draw princesses, theme parks, and landscapes from Disney movies. Open full post
Nobody should be forced to live in fear of walking around their neighborhood alone. However, that’s exactly what best-selling author and TEDx speaker Shola Richards’ life is like. Open full post
Last Sunday, after protesters in Bristol, England decided to tear down the already defaced statue of a well-known slave trader, Edward Colston, and throw it into the harbor, a heated debate was sparked. While many people cheered as the statue of a man who, back in the day, was responsible for transporting about 100,000 slaves from Africa to the Americas was toppled and drowned, others had conflicting opinions. Some described the act as the erasure of history that is important to remember, while others condemned the protesters for the illegal actions they took part in. Open full post
You probably already noticed that Wish, an American e-commerce platform, don't hold back when it comes to advertising. The company does whatever it takes to grab the attention of curious internet users, usually with the help of some of the most bizarre and unusual items that have no explanation. We are sure that so many of you out there are guilty of clicking these ads out of sheer confusion and wanting some answers. Open full post
Who doesn't love to share a homely, comfortable moment with your significant other? Or just have fun by being yourself? A pair of artists that go by the name of Kippo made Kippo Comics just for that purpose. Open full post