CCLW Welcomes our new Connections Pastor, Marcy Kenny
We will be introducing Marcy this Sunday during the service. Please join us in giving her a warm welcome.
Marcy was born in North Carolina, but moved to Cincinnati as an adult where she raised her two children. After a short career in the business world, Marcy felt a calling from the Lord. She went to seminary at Cincinnati Christian University where she earned a Masters in Pastoral Leadership. After that she began a life of ministry and never looked back!
Marcy has served at churches in Cincinnati, Toledo and Chapin, SC, where she has focused primarily on Discipleship and Connections. She has a heart for sharing the Gospel, and especially for connecting people to the life of the church. Marcy has also written many small group and churchwide studies.
She is thrilled to be back in the south and close to family. Marcy has two adult daughters, one in Cincinnati and one in Myrtle Beach who is about to give birth to Marcy’s first grandchild. One of the most unusual things about Marcy is that she has a lifelong addiction to the color purple!
Marcy’s life verse: For it is by grace you have been saved. Ephesians 2:8