Services this week:
Palm Sunday 10am Holy Communion remembering Christ's entry into Jerusalem. The Service for this Sunday will be posted on the church website on Saturday:
Monday to Wednesday we have simple services where we dwell prayerfully on some of the teaching of Jesus that week in Jerusalem (from Luke Chapter 20).
Monday 11th 6.30pm Holy Communion in the Chapel room (earlier than usual because of the Concert for Ukraine at 7.45pm in Church from the Birmingham Concert Band with Jacaranda Recorders. £5 on the door.
Tuesday 12th 7.30pm Holy Communion in the Chancel
Ralph Pollett's funeral is at St Dunstan's on Tuesday at 1pm. More details can be found here:
Wednesday 13th 11.30 am Holy Communion followed by Lunch Club
7.30pm Holy Communion in the Chancel
Maundy Thursday 7.30pm Holy Communion remembering Christ washing the disciples' feet. Followed by time remembering Christ in Gethsemane. (Come and go as you are able.)
Good Friday Servuce 11.15am New LIfe Baptist Church followed by Walk of Witness to the Village Square.
1pm-3pm in Church Meditations on Characters at the Cross
Holy Saturday 6.30pm Quiet time of prayer, with the opportunity particularly to pray for all waiting for signs of new life and hope in Ukraine.
Easter Day
6am Dawn Service in the Square, followed by breakfast
10am Holy Communion