Remember the book I announcement from last week?
I am over the moon excited to release this book. Here's the reason why:
It's been getting me together for the past several years!
The material from this book has been all up in my business. It's been stepping on my toes. It's just downright offensive. In a good way of course.
I've struggled for a long time with really operating in my God-given gifts and talents. I've been setback dealing with fear, a lack of confidence, the comparison trap and life crisis fatigue. This book makes me face these setbacks head on.
These are some of the questions the book answers:
- Who am I in Christ?
- How does knowing who I am make a difference?
- What barriers are holding me back from walking in my purpose?
- Are there circumstances keeping my mind and my spiritual growth stagnant?
- How can I learn to dream again and be my authentic self after experiencing the inevitable pain and losses of life?
Whew! All in your business yet? Yep, I told you.
Don't get discouraged though, there's good news!
All it takes is one step. Consider this new book step one towards pushing you towards your purpose. One step. One day. One moment and before you know it the things that once overwhelmed just don't anymore.
That's exactly what happened to me. As I dealt with each of these questions and allowed God to change my mind and my heart something actually happened.
Inch by inch you will grow. You will get stronger, better, wiser. You will move towards your goals and your purpose in Christ.