Olympia, WA – Thurston County voters will decide in the November 2022 general election whether to expand the Port of Olympia Commission from three to five members. Since the Commission’s formation nearly one hundred years ago, the county population has grown substantially. The Port Commission has determined that Proposition 1 is necessary to maintain effective and responsive representation of the people of Thurston County and to increase a diversity of perspectives on the Commission.
Also on the November ballot is a similar measure to expand the Thurston County Commission. The Port and Thurston County Commissions approved a joint resolution to coordinate election and redistricting efforts and to align their districts to gain efficiencies, minimize confusion, and share costs.
If both measures are approved, the Port and County will redraw their districts by January 1, 2023. Therefore, a three-member redistricting committee has been formed, made up of the Chair of the County Commission, Chair of the Port Commission, and the County Auditor (serving as a non-voting member providing technical guidance). The redistricting effort is underway and will continue through the election, ending in December 2022. The process will include a public hearing and other opportunities to gain comment on the redistricting plan. Voters will choose the two additional Port Commissioners in the 2023 general election.
If Port of Olympia Proposition 1 fails, the Port’s districts would not be redrawn and the three current districts would remain in place.
Estimated costs for an expanded Commission include:
- A one-time cost of approximately $381,000
- Ongoing annual costs of approximately $145,000
- Election costs estimated at $200,000 per election cycle
Learn more about Port of Olympia Proposition 1 on the Port’s website: portolympia.com/commission/port-of-olympia-proposition-no-1. For questions, please email inquiries@portolympia.com.