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October Newsletter

Welcome!  Here's what adventures await you....

  • Introducing Kelly my new VA!
  • New FaceBook Group
  • 2020 Continues
  • Halloween Treats (and the answer to the email question)
  • Link to Max's Halloween Adventure
  • Newsletter Archive
  • Next Chapter in Dryad - Free to Newsletter subscribers

There may be typos. They breed like Tribbles, I try to round them up, but they keep hiding.

I'm so excited!
New Virtual Assistant

Kelly started out as a part-time photographer while she was finishing college in 2003. After completing her bachelor's degree in elementary education, she chose to stay on with the portrait studio as a manager. In her 7 years with that company, she was a part-time associate, manager in training, managed three different studios, and spent about a year as a recruiter and trainer, opening new studios across the US!

When the company she worked for unexpectedly went bankrupt in January 2010, she decided to start her own photography business. Just over a year later, she had enough business to quit her part-time job and pursue Kelly E Lambert Photography full-time! Kelly specializes in infants, children, and families.

In April of 2019, Kelly became a virtual personal assistant to a romance author, Delancey Stewart, and soon began designing book covers and promotional graphics.

She and I were introduced through this author, and hit it off! In addition to graphic design work, Kelly also helps run the new Facebook group, as well as helping with book launches and promotion! 

She and her husband make their home in Commercial Point, just south of Columbus, Ohio with their 7-year-old daughter, 5-year old-son, very large 15-year-old cat, and two quarantine pet guinea pigs.

I haz FaceBook group!
Claudia's Adventurers

Join Kelly and I where dad jokes, bad puns, and fantasy worlds unite.

The adventure begins with you!
In my copious free time (not)
2020 Continues

2020 has been it's own adventure. I am very excited that my hubby is finally back from being on orders. He's been mostly away since May so having him back is amazing!

He is just in time for the kiddos to start back to school in a hybrid distance model.

I'm not sure how teachers do it with 20+ kiddos in class! Having my two hyperactive kids at home while trying to do homework, day job, writing, and house stuff has been interesting. (That's mid-west for weird. ;) )

My bar for success is that there are paths with no clutter to get to the bathroom and kitchen, my kids get a bath at least once a month, and I don't start drinking before 3PM.

Well you know... most days.  ;)

Is there such a thing as too many eyes on monsters?
Halloween treats
Monster cakeballs

On a fun note, we had our third annual Halloween treat making event. This year we shopped and made the cakes for the cake pops the night before.

My two favorite parts are squishing up the cake and making Ballz, and decorating the monsters with eyes. (they come all sorts of sizes and even blood shot!) We had to send the guys to get more eyes and more white almond bark!

We made monster cake balls, pumpkin cheesecake ghost balls, Oreo Cat pops, Nutter butter mummies, a brownie graveyard, Witches brew brownies (all the left over stuff goes here), monster chocolate dipped pretzels, and chocolate eye cookies. We started at 9AM and got done by 5 PM with a break for hot dog mummies for lunch.

My answer to 'is there such a thing as too many eyes on monsters' is NO!!!  lol

Reply to this email if you have treat ideas!

Nutter Butter mummies
Have you gotten your free short story?
Lost His Head

If Max Femur still had guts, they'd be churning. The big soccer game is only hours away and he's lost his head (literally).

Will his lucky soccer ball or a card pinned on his bowtie help him unravel the mystery of his previous night's adventures and get him to the game on time?

Have you gotten your free short story?

    Download Now!
    X marks the spot....
    Previous Newsletters

    Every newsletter, I have another chapter of my novella, Dryad.

    In case you've missed any or last month was a LONG time ago and you want to reread previous free chapters, you're in luck.

    Here is the key to the Newsletter Vault.
    Exclusive Novella: Dryad

    Chapter 4


    Rennen knelt at the edge of a pool hidden by the long branches and silver green leaves of a willow. Her heart had finally settled after the wolf’s long howl. She was no expert on wolves’ howls, but his had sounded frustrated, on the edge of angry. Which mirrored how she was feeling. If the howl had a touch of sadness, fear, and a wrench of pain at being rejected it would have reflected her current state perfectly.

    He’d stay frustrated. The tunnel she’d come through was the only shortcut across Mount Venua. It would take him a day to get around the mountain. She’d have plenty of time to get away.

    Trailing her hand in the icy water, her blood swirled with the movement. She was injured. Not fatally so, but enough to slow her down. She had no tree to heal her. No people to seek protection from, but she was not without resources.

    She twisted to touch the tree to ask for assistance, but liquid fire played along her ribs. Wincing, she drew in a sharp breath and parted the leaves of her shirt to look at her ribs. The glass had scraped her deep, leaving red gouges and a black sliver poked from just beneath her bottom rib. She plucked the sliver out quickly and it fell from her shaking hand.

    She pressed her hand onto the tree. The tree’s bark parted under her fingers and pink inner bark bubbled to the surface, thickening into a deep pink paste. She brought the paste to her mouth and cringed at the bitter taste. The tree’s bark would help, but she needed to clean her wounds.

    She splashed cold water, cleaning the wound the best she could. It was not perfect, but would have to do until she found safety. If the hamlet wasn’t possible, should she go to her Mother or maybe a tree protector?

    Her Mother traveled with her human bond mate. She could be anywhere. Zinnia, another tree protector, lived to the west on the other side of the valley. She was not known for her compassion, but she might be willing to shelter Rennen until she could come up with a plan. Tree Protectors could create magical weapons with tree branches and their own blood. Maybe Zinnia could create something that could reconnect Rennen with her tree and her hamlet.

    She stood and walked along the path, extending her senses to the forest. The area was safe. The trees and birds responded with bits of gossip sent in flashes of images. The trail meandered the way she wanted to go and she moved as quickly as she dared, her feeling that time was running out hovered over her. It made her move a little more quickly than she should. The ache in her ribs grew. The willow’s healing gift faded as time passed.

    She would need to rest and find another willow tree. A small glade with a patch warmed by a pool of golden sunlight looked inviting. She sat against the oak tree and rested her head against the tree’s trunk. Her side ached and now that she was not distracted by the forest gossip, her own troubles tried to burst to the surface.

    The image of Gant’s twisted face caused a shiver to crawl down her back. They were both lost because she was not able to love him. Maybe she couldn’t love. That unhappy thought was interrupted by the warning croak of a black crow.

    The crow flapped into the glade and jumped to a branch near her head. The bird cawed again and tilted its head. She reached out and the bird returned an image of a wolf. A wolf bigger than normal and the pattern of its fur different than a forest wolf.

    Her heart thundered. She shot to her feet. Could he have found her so soon?

    Her hand fluttered to her mouth. What could she do? Her hand hurt, her side hurt, her heart hurt. Maybe this was it. Maybe it was her fate to be caught. To be killed the same day her heart died.

    A grey bird darted to a nest in a to her left tree. Worm in beak, she fed the chicks in her nest. The babies peeped and opened their mouths wide. She remembered how excited she’d been when she saw her first bird family. The awe that an egg could transform into a bird and someday fly. How hopeful she’d felt for the future. Was she really ready to give up?

    No, while there was life there was hope.

    She sprang in the direction of Zinnia’s home, but something lurked in the shadows ahead.

    The wolf paced forward. His dark fur receded as he transformed into his human form. He stalked toward her with sinewy grace. His black hair reminded her of Gant. Her heart twisted at the thought. Leaves and twigs stuck at odd angles in his hair as if he had bullied his way through any and all obstacles to get here, and he panted heavily as if he’d run the whole time. His bright blue eyes looked ferocious and stared so hard that she skidded to a halt.

    Their gazes locked. She swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry. He would pounce at any moment and end this game.

    He leapt across the space that separated them and grabbed her wrist in a firm but delicate grip. She froze in shock, expecting teeth not his gentle touch.

    He leaned into her space and sniffed her side and hand. His eyes flashed and a low growl rumbled from his chest. He sounded angry, but not exactly at her. His actions made no sense. She searched his face looking for clues. His gaze softened and he took her uninjured hand gently in his own. Her heart fluttered in confusion. She pulled her hand away. He released her hand, but tightened his grip on her wrist.

    Panic flooded her veins; she was a hare caught in a snare. Trapped. She dug her toes in the mud and pulled, but he did not move. He merely watched her, his face a still pool that didn’t betray what he was thinking. She clawed at his hand to remove it from her wrist.

    “I’m not going to hurt you.” His voice sounded like an ancient gate creaking open after years of neglect.

    Her mouth opened wide enough to catch moths. Wolves did not talk to prey.

    A gentle stroke of his fingertip closed her mouth. Fear receded and left her light headed. She almost laughed at the absurdity. Next thing she’d see a tree pull out its roots and walk away. She shook her head to clear the image. If he wanted to hurt her he could have, but what if he was just playing with her? Like a cat might play with a chipmunk. “What do you want?”

    “Come with me.” He tugged her arm. She resisted, feeling his vibrations. They were wild, like a forest creature. There was darkness, but it didn’t have the same feel as Gant’s. It felt more like hunger. Hunger did not ease her worry.

    “Why?” She wrestled the worry down and kept her voice even and soft. Wild things did not respond well to loud noises. If she had any hope of escape, she’d need to lull him into lowering his guard.

    He met her gaze seeming to search her face. “You look tired. I know a place you could rest safely.”

    He kept surprising her. His hand tightened briefly on her wrist and then released some pressure. She shook her head and pushed at his hand. “I have a place.”

    “I can guard you.” He seemed to want to say more, but he closed his mouth and continued to gaze at her. The wolf that chased her from the Cursed Keep suddenly wanted to guard her. She huffed out a laugh.

    “From your Master?”

    He sighed. “He’s not my Master.”

    She raised a brow and watched his face, wanting to ask him why he was at the cursed keep, but resisted. His reason for being there didn’t matter.

    “Not. My. Master.” He said it slowly, firmly. Each syllable hard and clipped.

    “And that makes you trustworthy?”

    His eyes narrowed and he leaned in. Emotions flashed across his face too quickly to read, except for the exasperated anger his expression landed on. “I could just carry you where I wanted.” His words felt like a threat. She cast a quick look at his chest and arms. He probably could carry her. That made the decision for her. She needed to be on the ground to get away, not trapped in his arms.

    “Take me to Blaze Woods.” That was where Zinnia lived. All she needed was a moment free and a willing tree and she could evade him. She pushed away the thought that finding a tree would be hard. It took an act of will to connect now. Once he let her go, she’d make a run for it. She would wait until they were almost to Zinnia and then she would make her escape. She’d save her energy. If he was willing to guard her to the woods, that would let her rest.

    He blinked and seemed to consider her words. “That is on the other side of clan lands. What if we stop in clan lands and then I will take you to the woods?”

    Even though his words were soft and coaxing, there was something not quite right. Some hidden meaning she was just not understanding. It was the subtle pause at the word ‘then’. Like he had no intention of letting her leave once on clan lands or like something would happen on their lands that would change everything. There was a tension in his face as if a lot hinged on her response, as if he wanted her to come of her own free will.

    She took a deep breath and her side throbbed. The lightheaded feeling persisted. The forest she wanted to get to was still so far away. She needed to focus her dwindling energy on figuring out how to get away from the wolf. She didn’t want to go to his clan lands. She’d be surrounded by not just one but an extended pack of the blood thirsty monsters. So she had to time her escape.

    He squeezed her wrist lightly, breaking into her thoughts. She’d go with him, but as soon as she was close to Blaze Woods, she would make a bid for freedom and find Zinnia.

    “We have an agreement?”

    “Only if you don’t carry me.” She had to be on the ground if she had any hope of escape.

    He inclined his head in agreement, hiding the flash of something on his face. “You should let me tend to your wounds.”

    She flinched and through gritted teeth said, “No need.” She didn’t want him to touch her any more than he was.

    He looked about to argue, but just shook his head. “This way.”

    What's on your mind?

    Have a burning question or comment on the newsletter? 

    Have a good Dad joke or pun you want to share?

    Email Me
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    Claudia Blood

    PO Box 6252

    Rochester, MN 55903

    United States

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