Many spiritual groups within the world server network are going through transition of one sort or another.
In some cases working from a strong and relevant purpose that just needs to be ‘refreshed’ to be fully fit for this stage of the planetary work, in other cases needing to do a full deep review that involves a far more substantial level of transformation and change. Regardless of the scale of transformation the work is profound and demands a lot of each group as it works to expand its own field of consciousness, as well as its function within the larger unified field.
Sundial House Group for Creative Meditation (SDH) is one such group that is working through a deepening and re-presentation of its purpose to ensure the next level of alignment with its own essential seed and with the wider needs of the Planet.
SDH was founded by Roberto Assagioli, Michal Eastcott and Nancy Magor in the UK responding to the call by Tibetan Teacher and Master Djwhal Khul for the formation of a worldwide Creative Meditation Group and practise to be established as part of the global service work and as the spiritual transformational companion to psychosynthesis.
SDH, like any group, has over the past 72 years since it was first established, been through a number of transitions including the transition catalysed by the death of the founders several decades ago, which of course led to the need for a new focalising presence – the current and longstanding Head of SDH, Janet Derwent.
Such transitions bring change and upheaval on so many levels. The personal of course, for those who are at the centre and being asked, or we might say called, to assume a position of greater leadership...