Shidduch #414: Moshe Ben Attar & Eden Chasin
Shidduch: #415: Aryeh Alperowics & Chana Liberman
The mother of the Choson relates: "The Kallah was with my daughter for 2 years in seminary and came to eat by us on shabbos. We very much enjoyed when she came. BH with a house of girls we have many of their friends join us. For some reason I didn't think she was into Shidduchim, but than we saw her profile, it made us think of her. So we asked Shadchan Libby Chein what she thought of this idea, Libby liked this idea and BH it worked out!"
Shidduch #418: Noam Shahar & Sarah Keller
Shadchan Michael Yaroslavsky relates: "I knew the Chossan for a while and I liked his vibe. I found the Kallah on Chabadmatch and messaged her. B"H I helped them through the Shidduch and they got engaged!"