Summary: The Joyce Foundation will be considering potential grant requests under it Great Lakes & Drinking Water program, for consideration at its July 2022 Board Meeting. The Great Lakes and Drinking Water program will support work to accelerate actions to protect the region’s freshwater, upgrade our water infrastructure, and improve access to safe, affordable drinking water. We will pursue two initiatives, with most efforts focused in Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Grants can be up to approximately $500K. For this grant program, collaboration, both internally and externally with key stakeholders and faculty/researchers at other universities could strengthen a concept. A complete overview and links are below. (LOI’s are due by February 1, 2022. Proposals, if invited, are due by April 6, 2022, for Board consideration in July 2022. It is strongly urged that LOI’s be sent to me for review and discussion prior to submission to the foundation. (My email: Please send this to any faculty in your unit that may have interest. Thanks.
Application Process & Deadlines -
Online submission starts with an LOI, which should be submitted at least 6-8 weeks before the proposal deadline. The Joyce Foundation’s Board meets in April, July and December of each year. However, applicants are strongly encouraged to plan their proposal submissions for consideration in either the April or July Board meetings, since most grant funds are distributed at those times. At this time, the best opportunity will be for the July 2022 Board meeting. The deadlines for that grand round are:
- LOI due by: 2/1/2022
- Proposal (if invited) due by: 4/6/2022
Note: There an April 2022 grant round, however, LOI’s would need to be ready for submission ASAP, which may not be realistic for many.
PROJECT CONTACT: MSU NOTE: Those interested in submitting an LOI are strongly urged to connect with me first at: For questions related to application: