NHSBSA EoE Regional Webinar
All pharmacies in the East of England Region are invited to attend a Prescription Services Webinar, hosted by the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) being held on Wednesday 27th November between 7-8pm.
This session will include an overview and insight into NHS prescription services and how the NHSBSA process prescriptions. It will offer best practice guidance and hints and tips on topics ranging from batch submission, endorsing, referred backs and switching.
If you are interested in joining this event, please e-mail Cerise Chandler – East of England Regional Partnership Lead for the NHS Business Service Authority - Cerise.chandler@nhsbsa.nhs.uk and she will send you a link to join. Places will be limited and given on a first come, first served basis. If demand is high and capacity for this session is met, the NHSBSA will add further dates.