Hey  - 

OH MY GOSH - Can you believe we're only 2 days away?!?! We're rolling into year FOUR ready to keep walking that walk when it comes to featuring people for the experts that we are rather than the boxes that we check.  

  • Can you make it?
  • Did you get your pass yet? 
  • Schedule is live! Including Live Painting 🎨& A Special Guest Performer 🎶
  • Keep an eye on our Facebook page Wed. for live interviews with our Speakers!

See you on the 12th!

Your FWD Family

Click the video below to check out the full Summit Schedule!

+ Be sure to congratulate the incredible FWD Award Honorees, individuals who are truly making in impact when it comes to inclusion!

🏆 FWD Award Honorees 🏆

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