We are constantly striving to improve our website and provide you with the best possible experience. Our recent app updates are proof of that.

The biggest example, we are introducing a Country Page! Now you can mark a country as visited and explore regions, DARE and Series from there.

The list of all the countries (with active links) is here. Enjoy :-)

We Need Your Advice 

NomadMania is run by a small and often overworked team. Since we have nearly equalised the app and web functionality, it feels as if we are on a crossroads in terms of further direction and new features to add.

Therefore, we need your help in suggesting which steps to take next.

Simply fill this short form and let us know how we can better serve you. 

It is up to you to decide which updates we are going to do next [SURVEY].

Obviously there are many bugs to be fixed. So, we'll just carry on...

Extraordinary Travel Festival

This November our good friend Ric Gazarian is hosting the Extraordinary Travel Festival in Bangkok uniting some of the biggest names in the world of the extreme travel.

Book your tickets using promo code "NOMAD" to get a 100$ discount.

Additionally NomadMania is going to conduct our annual Travel Awards ceremony on the last day of the event. So, feel free to join :-) 

Traveling for the Love of Sports

Meet Brian Petrone, an avid traveller and sports fanatic, who in this interview shares how he incorporates his love of sports into his travel itineraries.

NomadMania: How were you able to travel so frequently to attend sport events?

Brian: As part of my first job after college, I began to travel around the United States for assignments and even then, I looked to attend sporting events when I could, particularly baseball games... 

Read the full interview here.

New Verified Members

Recently our Verification Committee checked and verified the following nomads in regards to their travel records.

UN Countries Verification: 

NM Regional Verification: 

New DARE places

We reach 1491 this week by introducing the following DARE places:

* photo - Enez District is located in the Edirne Province of Turkey, situated in the northwestern part of the country. It is known for its historical significance and natural beauty. Enez is a coastal district that borders Greece to the west, and it has a rich cultural heritage dating back to ancient times.


Ultimate Hub for Global Explorers

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