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AFS 國際文化交流 2020年3-4月通訊
AFS Hong Kong Newsletter (Mar-Apr 2020)

最新動向 / NEWS

網上直播座談會 / Facebook Live Info Seminars

你想進一步了解我們的計劃,但不想出門? 你想向身邊的親友介紹AFS? 我們即將舉辦一年交流計劃及接待家庭計劃Facebook直播座談會,屆時將會有AFS職員解答大家問題,更有AFS交流生及接待家庭分享精彩經歷! 立即記下日期、時間,讚好AFS Facebook專頁,並與身邊的親友分享右方圖片!

Are you interested in learning more about our programs or introducing AFS to your family and friends? We are going to host Facebook live info seminars to introduce our year exchange programs and host family program. There will be AFS staff answering all of your questions, also returnees and host families who will share their experiences! Mark the dates and times on your calendar, like our Facebook page, share the picture on the right with your family and friends now! 

讚好AFS專頁 / Like AFS Page

2020-21 接待家庭招募 / Recruiting for Host Families

你想子女學習與人相處? 親子關係更融洽? 不出國也能了解各地文化? 只需提供三餐一宿 (無需獨立房間),有愛心和包容不同文化的心,就可以成為我們的接待家庭,從今年8月底開始接待外國交流生一年。現在就點撃以下按鈕,了解計劃詳情及過往接待家庭的故事!

Do you want your kids to learn how to communicate with people? A closer family relationship? Or learning other culture without travelling? If you are able to provide daily meals and a bed, love and care, you could become our host family and start hosting foreign exchange student for 1 year at the end of August 2020. Click the following button now to learn the details!

Jane Gellman 獎學金正式成立 / Jane Gellman Scholarship

本年度我們新增了一個獎學金計劃! 感謝AFS舊生Sam Gellman和太太Suzanne Siu慷慨捐款,這個計劃將每年資助一名有經濟需要的香港學生參加AFS一年海外交流計劃! 獎學金以Sam的母親姓名Jane Gellman命名,Jane本身也是一名AFS舊生。如果想知他們兩代人的精彩AFS故事,點撃以下按鈕了解更多!

AFS is pleased to announce the inauguration of the Jane Gellman Scholarship. The scholarship is generously endowed by AFS alumni Sam Gellman and his wife Suzanne Siu in honour of Sam's mother, Jane Gellman, who is also an AFS alumni. If you are interested in their great AFS stories, click the button below!

了解計劃詳情 / Learn More
了解獎學金故事 / Read More

歡迎新任AFS香港總幹事 Josephine / Welcome New Executive Director of AFS Hong Kong Josephine


過去兩個月,我們的美國、捷克、日本交流生分別於明報校園版及經濟日報副刊上分享他們的交流經歷! 一年交流不止為他們帶來很多美好回憶、文化體驗,更改變了他們的個性、待人處事的態度和能力,甚至未來路向! 現在就點撃以下連結了解他們的故事吧!

In the past 2 months, our USA, Czech Republic, Japan returnees shared their exchange experience on newspaper Ming Pao and Economic Times. Their exchange year not just brought them many great memories, cultural experiences, but even changed their personalities, how they communicate and handle problems, even their future path! Click on the below links now to read their stories! (Chinese only)

成為交流生 / Become an Exchange Student


今年參加一年交流計劃來港的外國交流生需要提早回國,但在短短的時間之內,他們與本地的接待家庭已建立了深厚感情。一起來看看捷克交流生 Ondrej 接待媽媽 Joyce Yuen 的分享吧:

還記得那是星期四晚上,我們準備睡覺,Ondrej 突然收到通知,星期日便要離開。他跟我說時,我還懷疑他在説笑,但看着他眼有淚光,才知道是真的。一時間大家都很難接受,我們還一起抱著哭了起來。那一晩,Ondrej 更與我的兒子聊到很晚。

在機場最後道別的時候,兒子忍受不了而大哭起來,他們互相擁抱,依依不捨。我還說笑問兒子:「你不是時常和哥哥吵架嗎? 他離開你又可以獨霸天下,沒有人與你吵了!」想不到九歲的兒子對我說,「因為我們是真正的好朋友,所以才會吵架!」對,人與人之間相處是要經過磨合的,當中會有笑有淚、有悲有喜,我們在過程中成長,豐富人生。

This year foreign exchange students in Hong Kong have to return to their countries early, but within this short period of time, they have already built up close relationship with their host families. Let's read the sharing of Joyce Yuen, host mum of Czech Republic host student Ondrej:

I still remember that was a Thursday night and we were preparing to sleep, Ondrej was informed that he have to leave Hong Kong on Sunday. When he first told us the news, I thought that he was joking. But soon we knew that it was true, because we saw him almost crying. It was very hard to accept at the moment, we hugged and cried. Ondrej and my son even had a very long chat that night.

It finally came to the time when we had to say goodbye at the airport, my son cried and he was not willing to let Ondrej go. I asked my son ''Don't you always argue with your brother? After he leaves, no one will argue with you any more, you can have everything by yourself.'' and unexpectedly he said ''We fight because we are real friends!'' Yes communication and adaptation are needed in building relationship, there will be laughters and tears, which add colors to our life.

成為接待家庭 / Become a Host Family



Jenny is of the nominees of 2019 AFS Volunteer Recognition Award. She joined AFS year exchange program in 1992-93 to Japan and started to become an AFS host family in 2015-16 to continue her exchange journey. Jenny is also our support volunteer, who helps host students from different part of the world to adapt to the Hong Kong life. Let's watch her sharing now!

成為義工 / Become a Volunteer


2020/1/18 // 接待計劃活動 / Hosting Activities


To better support our host families, host students and support volunteers, and to create opportunities for them to connect, we organized a communication and conflict management workshop for host families and support volunteers. At the same time volunteer Hong hosted a Fai Chun class for host students. In the evening all 3 parties had fun in the Pun Choi dinner!

2020/2/1-5 // 接待交流生已順利回國 / Host Students Arrived Home Safely


Due to increasing health risk from the coronavirus and ongoing safety concerns, AFS Hong Kong made the decision to close our 2019-20 hosting program in late January, and in early February all host students returned to their countries safely. Big thanks to AFS host families and volunteers, who took good care of our students during this difficult time!

不想再錯過精彩的AFS活動? 請留意我們的社交網站!
Follow us on social media so that you won't miss the next awesome AFS activity!

AFS Hong Kong

8/F, Shun Feng International Centre, 182 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Hong Kong
