Refill is about getting friendly with your alloststic budget, and creating a simple system to begin physically, emotionally and mentally refilling. For those who love lists, there is a list option for this. Those who love a good habit stack, it’s possible to use that here also.
This piece offers an arbitrary metric for how much you fill and refill on any day — which can be confronting in the beginning. But after drifting lost under the immense umbrella of “self care” working with your allostatic budget is a radical refocus on the things you already do (hooray) and the things you’ve been putting off.
Rest is more than sleep.
We go into the roles that --
- solace
- space
- simplicity
- silence
- solitude and.
- stillness
-- play here … as well as sleep.
It’s a multifaceted exploration of ways we can access relief from overwhelm, stress and exhaustion.
Rest and Recharge
Rest and recharge looks at tools and processes for up regulation and down regulation that don’t rely on stimulants or sedatives, that can be tailored for home and the workplace.
Rituals, Reflections and Non-Negotiable Anchors
Rituals and reflections explores non-negotiable anchors and how they create certainty, plus the power of you-centered rituals, and the benefits of a reflective practice.
Revival is about how we return to beloved creative outlets, exploring how creativity can break the stress cycle.
Reflection Questions
1. What piece of renewal immediately excites you? (And why do you think this is the case.)
2. What piece immediately elicits a “fuck off!” (And why do you think this is the case.)
3. What is the piece you truly need, right now, but you’ve been denying yourself? (And why do you think this is the case.) Could you commit to including more of it in your life over the next 2-3 weeks?
Emergency Triage
Please note that the biohacks for today and for most of this week, build toward tools you’ll use further down the track. They’re all quick and simple, and can be built with as much or as little time as you have on any given day. And can be added to, adapted and revised at any point in the future.
Hack #5 — Sensory First Aid Kit
We’re going to build a first aid kit leveraging your senses.
Because engaging with our senses gives us quick and easeful access to our nervous system -- usually totally bypassing the higher ordered thinking of a pre-frontal cortex.
It allows us to chose something we love or enjoy to regulate our nervous system -- things which we know bring calm or pleasure or joy.
If not lift us up, than at the very least, these things can hold us steady.
Add one to three items beneath each of these headings.
If you can include at least one practical addition (something you could have on-hand at home, in the office, in your bag or car) and one “extravagant” addition (that you’d have just at home or could access outside of work hours).
👀 What you love to see
👂 What you love to hear
👃 What you love to smell
👄 What you love to taste
🤌 What you love to touch
🦶 How your body loves to move
Put this list in multiple places so it is easy to find when you’re stressed, overwhelmed or exhausted — like the fridge door, on your phone, your work screensaver, stuck to the back of the toilet door, on post-it notes on your car’s dash or inside your work diary.