Two weeks ago we launched our Certification programme which was very well received by the community and dozens of NomadMania members ordered Certificates verifying their travel records.

Considering the interest and feedback, to end our 'Awards' month, we are releasing a further pool of certificates, this time classified by continent. 

These are intricate, custom-designed, original documents verifying visits to every UN country in Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania, North & South America.

You'll have to pass verification in order to receive these Certificates. 

See the entire list of our Certificates here :-)

Saint Pierre and Miquelon Trip Report

Our dear member Sue Rogers has written a trip report on her recent trip to the French islands of Saint Pierre and Miquelon by the coast of Canada.

By the way, Saint Pierre and Miquelon is a NomadMania region while the island of Miquelon is also a DARE place. A unique place worth exploring.

Read the full trip report here.

Athens to Izmir Drive Tour

There is also a growing interest about our upcoming NomadMania signature 9-day adventure starting in Athens and ending in Izmir going through:

  • 5 UN Countries;
  • 10 NomadMania Regions;
  • 10 DARE places.

See more details here >>

This tour is conceptualized more as an expedition of ‘friends’ rather than a professional trip. We are at this point not giving specific dates, but expect to run this at the end of April, 2025. Pre-apply here if you're interested.

NomadMania Meetings this week

This week is going to be fun for our members in Cologne, Basel and Manila. We are hosting meeting in those cities. Just click links for more details.

Also make sure to check our Calendar page to see other events worldwide.


Ultimate Hub for Global Explorers

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