RichCast has been developed to allow anybody to create interactive stories without any technical knowledge whatsoever.
We've been really excited recently by the advancement of AI tools that can help you, the creator, really take your RichCast titles to the next level.
Midjourney is a fantastic new tool that can generate AI images, to your own specifications in seconds. So whether you're creating a horror, western, adventure (or anything else you can imagine!), Midjourney now means you can import incredible art into your title. Check out some examples we've created below!
If you're looking for innovative and inspirational ways to improve your scripts or dialogue then ChatGPT is a great way of doing this. In fact, we'll let ChatGPT explain the rest, we asked 'explain how ChatGPT can be used to help create interactive stories':
ChatGPT can be used to help create interactive stories by utilizing its ability to generate human-like text. The model can be trained on a dataset of existing stories and then used to generate new story responses based on user input. This allows for a more personalized and interactive experience for the user, as the story can adapt and change based on the user's choices.
Additionally, ChatGPT can be used to generate multiple possible responses for a given user input, providing more options and a more realistic dialogue in the story. The user can then select which branch of story to continue with. This approach can be integrated into an app, website or a chatbot to create an interactive story-telling platform.