, thank you for being a member of my reader group. I only email those who have given permission by signing up to receive my newsletters. As always, if you have changed your mind and are no longer interested in receiving these, please click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of this email.

 Hope you read a great book today!

Heir to the Crown now has a Theme Song!

Close your eyes and imagine you have just watched the movie version of your new favorite book (I am hoping you pick one of my books). As the credits start to roll on the screen, epic music begins to play, reminding you of the movie you just watched. 

That is what I asked Will Musser, award winning composer, to create, and he did an amazing job. There are even a couple of themes running through the score, meant to represent Gerald and Anna. Can you find them?

Download the song here:  Heir to the Crown Theme Song!

I will be posting it on the website soon, but I wanted to share it with you first. I would love to hear your thoughts on the music!

Name the World Contest Winners:

I want to thank each and every person that submitted a suggestion for the name of the world that Heir to the Crown takes place in. With all the choices I had to review, it was a tough decision, as there were many that I liked. I will definitely be using a few of the runner ups for names of other kingdoms, cities or even characters in future books.

Here is the list of winners:

1st place: Eiddwenerthe - to be changed to Eiddenwerthe
I liked the idea that this was what the world was named in an ancient language, and when translated to the Mercerian common tongue, it is 'Eden World'.

Tied for 2nd: Erssa & Saka'am - to be combined 'Erssa Saka'am' to name an ancient Saurian Holy Place, or something like that. Still working on the details.

4th - 10th:
Berlandia - Possible Kingdom Name
- Possible Kingdom Name
Caldonia - Possible Kingdom Name
- Possible City Name
Cliff Side
- Possible Port City Name
- Possible character name
- Possible Character name

Congratulations to all the winners, and I look forward to signing and sending you your new books!

Shadow of the Crown is written, edited, and the Beta team is almost finished with it! The cover is with the graphic designer, and the pre-order will be ready before Christmas. I also know that the ARC team is patiently (some not so) waiting to have it delivered into their hands very soon.

I have not yet officially started writing Book 5, but I am all ready to get started. I do find that the final read-through of the previous book inspires me to jump right into the next one, so be prepared for some sneak peeks in future newsletters!

You would think that meant I could sit, relax, and enjoy a small break while we wait for the Beta readers, but they just won't let me. Who, you ask, are 'they'? Well, 'they' are your favourite characters from Heir to the Crown.

Sunday morning, I woke up dreaming of scenes from Book 6: Burden of the Crown. Four hours later, I had all the chapters outlined in great detail, and a concise outline for Book 7: Bearer of the Crown?  (still deciding on the title for this one - maybe a new contest!).

To be honest, the more I write, the more the characters take on a life of their own. As I sat there on Sunday, I almost leaned back and just watched as my fingers madly typed while the scenes flowed onto the pages in little vignettes.

I am truly looking forward to sharing the future adventures of Meceria with you!

This is Daisy's patented 'Sad' look!

Daisy asked that I put her 'Sad' picture in my newsletter this week. She is no longer sad, but wanted to share how a shelter/foster dog can feel at Christmas time without their furever family.

She is a rescue that we adopted three years ago, and we recently adopted her fur sister, Tilly, from the same great local rescue. 

Daisy and Tilly want to remind you, as the Holiday Season approaches, when you think of adding a new fur member to your family, that, although puppies are cute, please remember that there are so many animals in shelters and foster homes looking for families.

Daisy also asked me to tell you she would really like to see any pictures you might have of your animals, so feel free to email them to me, and if you like, I will share them on my Facebook & Instagram.

Santa said you've been good this year, so...

Here are some great FREE books to curl up with this Holiday Season, as you wait for Shadow of the Crown to be released in the new year!

Each image (link) takes you to a list of 20 - 80 FREE books, short stories or previews from other great authors, so feel welcome to stock up and share with friends and family.

Happy Reading!

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