Hey folks! Do you know what's happening on September 15th? It's the International Freedom in Education Day! 📚🌍On this special day, the focus is all about advocating for education to be accessible for all, without discrimination or coercion. Imagine how awesome it would be if each of us had the freedom to choose our own path that aligns with our interests and strengths.
Self-Directed Education empowers each of us to develop our knowledge and skills in a way that works best for us.
Let’s ponder on this day how crucial education freedom is and how we can support it by considering Self-Directed Education as the ideal way to take full control of our learning journeys. On social media, share a short video about why Self-Directed Education is so important in your life. Feel free to tag us @alliance4sde and use the hashtags below for more visibility.
#mylifemyeducation #internationalfreedomineducationday #freedomineducation #TagDerBildungsfreiheit #JIPLI #ASDE #selfdirectededucation #unschooling
📆 You can also attend the Class Dismissed Screening hosted by Liberated Learners on September 30th.
Happy International Freedom in Education Day! 🎉📖✨