Read on for your clinical dose of strength and magic directly from the Asylum to you! Are you ready for this gorgeous journey? (Hint: YOU ARE!!!)
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The Asylum Emporium
The Asylum Oracle
The Asylum Oracle

Welcome to a new offering exclusively for my honoured subscribers: A monthly Asylum Oracle reading!

Each month, we will focus on one card, drawn from my personal Oracle deck after a period of deep meditation, during which I ask the question, "What do we, the individuals of the Asylum Community, need to focus on this month in order to achieve our highest purpose?"

As shown above, your card for the month of August is THE BOOT!


🗝 Grounded 

🗝 Active

🗝 Treading Confidently

My fellow Inmate, the Boot comes to prepare you for a new journey, one you have long desired, but have felt unready to embark upon. This may be a physical journey, or an emotional or mental one. Your journey may be outwardly epic, such as a relocation or change in relationship, or it may seem very quiet—a commitment to health or spiritual awakening for example.

Either way, the effects of this positive transformation will be life changing for you. Do let us take note of the heel on the Boot, for its towering height suggests that we will experience challenges to our growth, a bit of shakiness perhaps, and thus must remain present as we march. But don't think for one moment that you're not ready to begin, for the Boot is here to tell you, unequivocally, that you ARE!

Now, very often, just after experiencing a burst of confidence, a moment of excitement at a challenging new adventure, your egoistic mind leaps in to tell you that, no no no, you need more time, more development, or, even more commonly, that you're just not up to the task at all, so you may as well not bother. (It is important to remember that the ego is much more than just a source of arrogance—it is also a factor in feelings of self-loathing, or any attribute that gives us a sense of identity, a heavy but utterly useless armour that cuts us off from the truth of who we are and our divine place in the universe).

This leads to a decrease in self-esteem, for every time you "agree" with your egoistic mind when it says you can't do something, can't become something, that false belief becomes engrained ever more deeply until it becomes a permanent part of your identity, inseparable from your self  (which is not related to any identity at all). Procrastination follows, leaving you with an inability to evolve. What could be more tragic?

Luckily, the Boot isn't having any of that. She materializes before you, and she says, NOW. Not tomorrow. Not in a minute. NOW.

You slip your dominant foot inside, and as you begin to do up each of the 15 tiny buttons, you hear a mantra, a blessed Incantation of your own design, resonating inside your head. (My incantation for the month is "I have done the work, I am beginning now," but you may create your own.)

Finally, you speak your Incantation with growing conviction as you fasten each button, for a total of 15 times. Throughout the month of August, the Oracle asks you to repeat this phrase several times per day, until you begin to hear it in your mind even without your thinking about it.

You are ready NOW to stomp, strut, or march your way into this new journey, knowing that you have all the strength and action of the Boot carrying you along, laced tightly yet comfortably, giving you the support you need to remain confident and present as you dance and grow!

Visit the Asylum Oracle Page
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