Leonie has to face many changes as the Choices and Consequences series progresses, as do many of the other characters. Often, they find making these decisions difficult. When I was growing up, my mother had a phrase "Life is made up of choices." This was often followed by "And choices have consequences." We teased her about it - still do - but, of course, it is true. We all make choices, both big and small, every day, which change the course of our lives, and possibly the lives of others.
This is an extract from Weave of Love, book 3 in the series, where Leonie realises just that:
I tugged at his sleeve and he turned back to me. “I’m sorry, Perry. Really I am. I didn’t mean to worry you.”
“It’s okay,” he said. “None of this is your fault. Never think that. What you did was right.”
But it was my fault, really, wasn’t it? I’d chosen to do what I did, expecting to pay the price myself, willing to do that, accepting it. I’d expected to die, and to leave behind all I loved. I had known Perry would suffer, but he’d chosen that too, knowingly, when he’d told me how to do what I did.
And then I hadn’t died and I hadn’t paid the price and now it seemed it would be paid, at least in part, by the suffering of so many of those I now cared for. My actions had consequences for them, consequences they hadn’t chosen, a price they hadn’t agreed to pay. And they’d accepted that, willingly, because they loved me. That thought alone was almost too much for me.
When I’d acted at House Eastern I’d done so for that moment alone. I hadn’t thought about the future. Now the reaction was spreading out like ripples in a pond, beyond my control, beyond my ability to take the consequences, which were reaching so many other people. How could I make choices, take responsibility for my actions, when I didn’t know what the consequences could be?