We want to take this time to thank HUG assistant Rachel Bible (left photo) for all of her hard work and dedication during her time working at HUG. At the conclusion of the summer semester, Rachel will return to the US to embark on a new adventure. When asked to reflect on what this job has meant to her, Rachel said, "My time in Greece has been one of the best experiences in my life; to be able to see God‘s glory through people, culture, nature and art has truly shaped who I am. I am extremely grateful for this opportunity and will carry it with me for the rest of my life."
At this time, we would also like to introduce the new HUG assistant, Lacey Bortell (right photo). Lacey recently graduated from Harding's M.Ed. Reading with Dyslexia Endorsement program and is looking forward to this next chapter in her life. "I am so excited to work for HUG," Lacey said. "I love to travel and explore, and now I get to do that full-time. It’s an absolute dream! I am so thankful that I get to work with students who may be going on their first great adventure. I can’t wait to share that with them!"
Join us in thanking Rachel for her service to HUG, wishing her the best in her future endeavors, and welcoming Lacey to International Programs!