Who would you cast in an Heir to the Crown TV series? View in browser

Medieval Musings:

Your Newsletter from Paul J Bennett

"This series is nearly as engrossing as LOR but with more humor and not so dark." - Cindy

In this week's Medieval Musings:
  • Mercerian Tales: The Call of Magic - Release Countdown
  • Who would you cast if Heir to the Crown became a TV series?
  • Sam's Voice from the Audiobooks
  • Gamers Corner - Wargaming the Battles of Merceria
  • Work in Progress Update
  • Author Spotlight & Book Giveaways

Did you miss a past newsletter? Click here to go to the newsletter archives.

Mercerian Tales: The Call of Magic
Release Countdown
Comments from the Advance Reader Team:

"I love the way Paul is using these books to fill in the holes. Through them, we get a greater understanding of each character. Keep up the great work" - Denzel

"I'll enjoy reading this book again & again, right along with the rest if the series." - Jay

"Love the back story and love Albreda more now!!" - Debra

"THAT was a great book!" - Wendy

"I love this book. It's a great stand-alone book as well. " - Cheriese

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Imagine if Heir to the Crown became a TV Series!
Gamers Corner: Wargaming the Battles of Merceria

When I ran my RPG campaign for Heir to the Crown, there were quite a few battles, just like the book series. I have always liked wargaming, so my first inclination was to use miniatures, of which I have hundreds, and these certainly worked for smaller engagements, but for larger battles, I created maps and counters. Having a license for Microsoft Visio, this software was perfect for my needs. From my laptop, I streamed the map and units onto our TV (we game the living room) and then each player would use the mouse to move their character and troops

Here is a sample of some of the leader units I created.

The number below the leaders represent their attack/defense/movement speeds, while the numbers inside the shield represent their leadership ability. Leadership is the number of units they can command (or sub-commanders who, in turn, can command units) Revi’s pentagram indicates that he is a mage and has magical ability, while Anna has a crown, signifying her position.

Here is a sample of some of the combat units I created.

From left to right we have shortbowmen, medium foot and Dwarven arbalesters. The numbers to left and right of the center symbol represent missile strength and range, respectively. The numbers in the top right corner represent the unit number.

I look forward to sharing more about wargaming in future newsletters, including some battle maps!

Voices from the Audiobooks

Sam Collins the saddle maker is Gerald's first friend in the town of Uxley, and returns again in Fate of the Crown!

Listen to Sam the saddle maker's Voice

Things have been busy this week, despite the holiday; in Canada, we had July 1, Canada Day, while our American friends celebrated Independence day on July 4th. Carol and I spent the day catching up on some TV shows, including finally watching the last season of Game of Thrones. I hope you, too, had a moment to relax and just enjoy life.

The rest of the week we were putting some finishing touches on two new origin stories for the launch of my upcoming series, The Frozen Flame,  but I also kept working on Burden of the Crown, which now sits at roughly 65,000 words (out of an estimated 120,000). I enjoy working on both these series, as evidenced by my output. I’m producing between 5,000 and 6,000 words a day, excluding weekends and holidays. After all, I have to have some time off to recharge and play with the doggies!

So what can I tell you about Burden? Not much without giving away some surprises. Someone will get married, and someone else might find themselves carrying a child, but I won’t tell you who, you’ll have to wait and see. I

I must also say, I’ve been thrilled with the feedback from the Beta Team on the new series. It’s a very different story from the Heir series, much more magic right from the get-go, and yet my writing style will still be familiar to those that have read my Mercerian books. It takes place in the same world, but in a location far removed from Wincaster.

Until next time, here is a preview of the first few pages of Mecerian Tales: The Call of Magic

(Courtesy of Kobo preview)

Happy Reading!

Mercerian Tales: The Call of Magic - Chapter 1
Author Spotlight!

Check out these featured books that are free, discounted, or new releases. The authors are returning the favour by sharing my books with their readers.

Dragonia: The Resistance struggles to find a way to defeat the Dragonia Empire, all hope seems lost against the dragonriders, until they discover an island full of wyverns. Devarius has lost everything. His parents murdered, his sister kidnapped, and the new village he called home: destroyed...

The Blood Stone: He slays dragons for a living. Now he’s on a mission to wipe them from existence. Lailoken longs to slit the throat of the beasts who abducted his wife. And with the winged monsters raining havoc on the northern lands, the vengeful dragonslayer’s bloody skills have never been in higher demand...

Book Giveaways!

Check out these featured books that are free, discounted, or new releases. The authors are returning the favour by sharing my books with their readers.

- Cover reveals
- Gamers Corner
- Why I like Military History so much
- Newsletter Survey

-Spells of Merceria
-What is the Volstrum
-More voice samples
-Who are Therengians

, welcome to the end of my newsletter. I only email those who have given permission by signing up to receive my newsletter. As always, if you have changed your mind or are no longer interested in receiving these, please click the unsubscribe link below.

Happy reading from Paul J Bennett,
Author of Epic Fantasy in the Land of Merceria and beyond!

Medieval Musings: A Paul J Bennett Newsletter

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