We've just updated our Milestones and adjusted thresholds for a more challenging and rewarding experience! For example: 

  • Crossed the equator by land
  • Visited at least 25% of DARE regions
  • Visited at least 75 countries for a minimum of 11 days (SLOW11)

Remember some of our other notable Milestones are:

  • Travelled at least 1000km by train (on one single trip) 
  • Visited at least 600 Top of the Tops Sites
  • Crossed Europe overland
  • and much more...

Now increased to a grand total of 121, these Milestones are designed to make travelling even more exciting, pushing the boundaries of your ambitions! Check it out and set your sights on new goals! 

Ernestine Chan, the first Canadian and Hong Kongese Woman to visit every country 

Meet Ernestine Chan, the first Canadian and Hong Kongese woman who just became a UN Master.

In her latest interview for NomadMania Ernestine shares with us her favourite and most challenging moments from the road, tells us what she learned from another UN Master, Luisa Yu, and reveals her plans after finishing her UN193 quest.

You can also watch this interview on our YouTube channel.

These personal stories and insights add a special touch to our latest report about those who have been to every country in the world. 

Like many other UN Masters, Ernestine chose Libya as her final country.

New DARE Places This Week

Lago Plata, Argentina


Our DARE places have been updated! This week, we're focusing on the Eastern South Americas megaregion, featuring stunning new areas for you to discover:

Add them to your travel list :-)

Thank You for Your Voices!

Thank you to everyone who participated in our recent Poll on Visiting Every Country. Your input is invaluable, and we're currently compiling a detailed report based on your feedback which came back in record numbers exceeding 1,500 entries!

Stay tuned for the poll results and insights from our community :-)


Ultimate Hub for Global Explorers

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