The Hidden Blueprint that has Long Outlived its Purpose
Emily Blefeld, LICSW & Dan Cohen, PhD

Seeing with your heart allows the vibrancy of the world to announce itself. Our work consistently transforms the amorphous feeling of unrest, the vague dissatisfaction that is too subtle to taste, into a deep sense of fulfillment that doesn’t slip in and out of one’s life like water through your fingers, but rather becomes a way of being that offers shape, form, and clarity to ones’ soul and experience of life.

To experience the magic of consciousness beyond the ordinary, we invite you to attend tonight's free consciousness call, work with us privately, and/or consider joining us live at one of our upcoming events and programs!


We are just back from a 10-day visit to Sweden where we created two Seeing with Your Heart circles, one a weekend workshop in Stockholm and the other for a private gathering hosted by a well-known Swedish tech entrepreneur and his husband.
In both circles, we asked each person in turn to share what desires pull them forward and what challenges hold them back. As a group, we tuned-in, set up representatives and opened each person’s field to reveal the consciousness that invisibly inhibits or nourishes life’s flourishing.

A sampling of some of the questions, issues, and/or intentions explored during our time together. 

  • I want to release shame and connect more to what I want in life versus what others want or are doing
  • I want to clear the mess that blurs the connection between my heart, my actions, my being, and my life
  • want to explore the light and dark of my heart and choose to live in the light
  • How do I balance masculine and feminine within me and be open to a loving, accepting relationship with my partner. 
  • Most of my life I have wanted to hide.  My heart is ready to step out into the world.
  • "No” is a taboo for me. I want to improve my relationship to saying "No."

In each Constellation, the universal yearning to live more meaningfully, love more deeply and communicate more truthfully is revealed to be restricted by a hidden blueprint that has long outlived its purpose.

For example, we saw how two loving sisters from generations ago, dealt with only one of them being able to birth a child. The one sister’s sorrow became a loss shared by the other sister’s daughter. It was as if the child born and the child not-born had to be equally loved. As this unspoken requirement spilled forward, children in succeeding generations felt it was wrong to claim the right to be their full selves. When seen, felt and understood, the entanglement inherited from a century ago lost its strength. The woman in our circle could take deeper breaths and express her vibrant presence and joy of being alive.
In other pieces, the fractals we unearthed related to bigger historic traumas, such as the 30 Years War, which began exactly 400 years ago. Though long forgotten or obscured by indecipherable facts, this War remains an indelible wound in the hearts of many descendants of those who suffered through it. The atrocities perpetrated by Swedish mercenaries, the heights of European witch burnings and the horrors of mass rape, famine and migration, become present day fractals that remain active in the core of our bodies. We are descendants of slaves and slave-masters, priests and shamans, rapists and their impregnated victims, the powerful and the impotent, the sacred and the secular. The men and women behind us who endured and sacrificed to pass life on show up in our circle and are felt in tangible ways as being present in support of our freedom, life force, and healing.

The future always calls you forward and that call itself announces the many layers of blocks, burdens, and restraints seeking to be healed. With each success and obstacle hurdled comes new challenges and different forms of resistance.  Integrating and working with ancestral and spiritual consciousness can help you to move through those forms of resistance with greater ease, while charting a path forward that supports your wholeness and manifestation of dreams. 

Seeing with Your Heart private sessions, workshops and programs are deep dives to connect to sacred, sometimes ancient resources with our everyday life. Consider joining us for an upcoming event or booking a free consultation to explore how Seeing with Your Heart could support you.

Emily Blefeld, LICSW & Dan Cohen, PhD - Seeing with Your Heart
Upcoming Events
Seeing with Your Heart Weekend Workshop
Aug. 25 – 26, 2018

SWYH restores the long-evolved human capacity to engage with the organ of perception that evolved in the human species over millions of years.

2018-19 SWYH Immersion Program
Sept 28-30, 2018

This deep, rich, and transformative program offers an experience that will increase your impact on the world and forever change how you understand your life

2018-19 AWYH Advanced Program
November 2-4, 2018

Navigate to deeper levels of ancestral, spiritual, and collective consciousness and apply it in your work and everyday life. 




Clear the unconscious imprints that may be contributing to your current challenges and free you to manifest your desired intentions



*If calling from outside the United States, consider using, a free internet based phone service. 

Not able to make the call? Feel free to click here to listen to the calls through our library of recordings.

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Seeing with Your Heart

14 Rhode Island Avenue, Providence, RI 02906
