Friday, January 13 ,2023
Greetings, everyone.
In case some of you have not heard, our community has recently received some miraculous news! There is a congressional investigation starting being brought by a subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee. It is called the United States House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.
Amazingly, it will investigate the abuses of the intelligence agencies against US citizens! As some have said, this may well be the year of our liberation. Here's more information:
Wikipedia page:
I've also added a couple of videos below with representative interviews on various right-wing media shows.
And please see the following link and hear Rep. Dan Bishop state that "today, we're putting the deep state on notice: ' We're coming for you on behalf of everyday Americans'."
And for those of you who pray, please pray continually for this committee, its members, and the work they have set out to do.